Having just returned from the 2009 Joint National Homeopathic Conference in Bellevue Washington, we are pleased to be able to share some recent findings.
The following article was made available through The National Center for Homeopathy. It was originally reported at “Nosodes 2008: International Meeting on Homeopathy, Homeoprophylaxis, Homeopathic Immunization, and Nosodes Against Epidemics.” December 10-12, 2008 Havana Cuba.
Cuba “immunizes” 2.4 million people with homeopathy: prevents serious infections. Researchers at Cuba’s Finlay Institute, a center that develops, investigates, and promotes vaccines in partnership with the ministry of health, recently reported on their successful use of a homeopathic remedy to prevent leptospirosis outbreaks. The mass administration of a homeopathic nosode to 2.4 million people is the largest known trial of a homeopathy for disease prevention. The researchers praised the ease of administration, the economic feasibility, and the broad impact on public health, calling Homeoprophylaxis a promising solution to confront epidemiologically dangerous situations and natural disasters, especially in developing countries.
Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease is more common in the tropics, is carried by animals, and spread to humans through contact with contaminated standing water. Symptoms include severe fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice. Sometimes kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, or death can result. Cuba suffers with leptospirosis outbreaks yearly in the aftermath of hurricanes that cause floods, overwhelm sewer systems, and leave standing water.
In October-November 2007 when the risk of leptospirosis infection was high in eastern Cuba because of flooding, the Finlay Institute prepared a homeopathic remedy from 4 circulating strains of the bacteria – the Leptospirosis 200c nosode.
Through the public health system infrastructures, they administered it preventively in two doses, seven to nine days apart to 95% of the people at risk (i.e. 2.4 million people got 4.8 million doses.
The epidemiological surveillance after the intervention showed a dramatic decrease in morbidity two weeks after and a reduction to zero of mortality of hospitalized patients. The number of confirmed leptospirosis cases remains at low levels and below expected levels according with the trends and rain regimens.
The researchers noted that their experience could be extended to other diseases and countries adding "The Finlay Institute is offering our facilities and specialists to spread this alternative to all regions needing emergent alternatives for epidemic control and prevention".
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