Thursday, April 30, 2009


There is one drug which directly or indirectly was the cause of the loss of more lives than was influenza itself. You all know that drug. It claims to be salicylic acid. Aspirin's history has been printed. Today you don't know what the sedative action of salicylic acid is. It did harm in two ways. It's indirect action came through the fact that aspirin was taken until prostration resulted and the patient developed pneumonia. -Frank L. Newton, MD, Somerville, Massachusetts

Aspirin and the other coal tar products are condemned as causing great numbers of unnecessary deaths. The omnipresent aspirin is the most pernicious drug of all. It beguiles by its quick action of relief of pain, a relief which is but meretricious. In several cases aspirin weakened the heart, depressed the vital forces, increased the mortality in mild cases and made convalescence slower. In all cases it masks the symptoms and renders immeasurably more difficult the selection of the curative remedy. Apparently aspirin bears no curative relation to any disease and it ought to be prohibited.

~Guy Beckly Stearns, MD, New York

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Can Homeopathy Help in Epidemics?

Here are two of many stories to follow. Check our blog in the upcoming days for more success stories of Homeopaths working during the epidemics within our 200+ year old history.

In 1918:
Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%.

~E. F. Sappington, M. D., Philadelphia.

One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. "Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied: "But that is homeopathy." "I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case."

~W. F. Edmundson, MD, Pittsburgh.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


NEW YORK, Nov. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- On yesterday's Oprah, themed "What the Stylemakers Can't Live Without," super-model and super-mom Cindy Crawford revealed that homeopathic medicine is a must-have in her life.

"So I am the doctor of our family and I'm a big fan of homeopathy," she said.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Homeopathy for the Spiritual Seeker
An evening with Dr. Roland Guenther, MD, PhD

On Tuesday, April 28th 2009, Dr. Roland Guenther will give a talk about the spiritual level of Homeopathy. He will take us back in time to its historical roots and outline the role that religion has played in its development from its beginnings through to present times. He will explain the spiritual aspect of the action of modern homeopathic remedies and how they contribute to the expansion of conscious awareness. This expansion is necessary to turn the great changes we are exposed to into an experience of joy. An emphasis of the evening will be on the support Homeopathy can offer to people on the spiritual path.

Date and Time: Tuesday, April 28th, 2009, at 7:00 pm-9:00pm
Location: In Yaletown, Vancouver, BC. RSVP as soon as possible please, the exact venue will be announced with registration.
Cost: Suggested donation $10 - $25.
Registration: Phone 604-568-4663 or via email Please register soon, as the number of participants is limited.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Help for Seasonal Allergies Might be as Close as Your Kitchen
April 16, 2005

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Spring has sprung, and that means allergies have too. As the weather gets warmer and wetter, pollen and molds bloom, and spingtime winds can stir up the allergens.

When it comes to allergies, misery loves company. Roughly 40 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. Nearly 10 percent of Americans are allergic to pollen. The result is hay fever, whose symptoms include runny nose, sneezing and puffy, watery eyes.

Sales of over-the-counter allergy drugs are through the roof, but some of the best remedies may be in your own kitchen.

Allergist Dr. Cliff Bassett talked about some of the more popular -- and effective -- natural remedies for allergy symptoms on "Good Morning America." Bassett said "natural" does not necessarily mean safe or effective, and people may have unintended side effects. Check with your doctor before trying any natural remedy, especially if you are pregnant or nursing.

Natural Remedies for Allergies

Butterbur: Butterbur is another name for petasites, a shrub with huge leaves. The plant is toxic but some studies show butterbur is effective in treating allergy symptoms.

Homeopathic Nasal Mists: Saline and salt water sprays help wash away the pollen from the nose, which can remove the problem and reduce the need for medication. Plus, they are inexpensive.

Antioxidant Fruits and Vegetables: Grape seed extract, which can be found in vitamin or health food stores, has been shown effective. But in your own refrigerator, apples, bananas and onions have anti-inflammatory properties and help to build up your immune system.

Some foods, including apples in some people, cross-react with tree pollen and will cause allergy symptoms. Some of those foods include pears, kiwi, cherries, peaches, nectarines, celery, carrots, parsley, peppers and nuts like hazlenuts, walnuts, and almonds.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Homeopathy prevents serious infections…

Having just returned from the 2009 Joint National Homeopathic Conference in Bellevue Washington, we are pleased to be able to share some recent findings.
The following article was made available through The National Center for Homeopathy. It was originally reported at “Nosodes 2008: International Meeting on Homeopathy, Homeoprophylaxis, Homeopathic Immunization, and Nosodes Against Epidemics.” December 10-12, 2008 Havana Cuba.

Cuba “immunizes” 2.4 million people with homeopathy: prevents serious infections. Researchers at Cuba’s Finlay Institute, a center that develops, investigates, and promotes vaccines in partnership with the ministry of health, recently reported on their successful use of a homeopathic remedy to prevent leptospirosis outbreaks. The mass administration of a homeopathic nosode to 2.4 million people is the largest known trial of a homeopathy for disease prevention. The researchers praised the ease of administration, the economic feasibility, and the broad impact on public health, calling Homeoprophylaxis a promising solution to confront epidemiologically dangerous situations and natural disasters, especially in developing countries.

Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease is more common in the tropics, is carried by animals, and spread to humans through contact with contaminated standing water. Symptoms include severe fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice. Sometimes kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, or death can result. Cuba suffers with leptospirosis outbreaks yearly in the aftermath of hurricanes that cause floods, overwhelm sewer systems, and leave standing water.

In October-November 2007 when the risk of leptospirosis infection was high in eastern Cuba because of flooding, the Finlay Institute prepared a homeopathic remedy from 4 circulating strains of the bacteria – the Leptospirosis 200c nosode.
Through the public health system infrastructures, they administered it preventively in two doses, seven to nine days apart to 95% of the people at risk (i.e. 2.4 million people got 4.8 million doses.

The epidemiological surveillance after the intervention showed a dramatic decrease in morbidity two weeks after and a reduction to zero of mortality of hospitalized patients. The number of confirmed leptospirosis cases remains at low levels and below expected levels according with the trends and rain regimens.
The researchers noted that their experience could be extended to other diseases and countries adding "The Finlay Institute is offering our facilities and specialists to spread this alternative to all regions needing emergent alternatives for epidemic control and prevention".

Friday, April 10, 2009


Oldest Reference to treatment of Cancer with Homeopathic Medicine.

G. Stearns and M. Stark reported the action of Homeopathic medicines on fruit fly tumors. The results were as follows: A genetically determined tendency to tumor formation ceased to exist after the administration of a potentized dilution of the tumor itself.

Information taken from "Experimentations with Homoeopathic Potentized Substances Given to Dropsophilia Melanogaster with Hereditary Tumors".
Printed in the Journal called the Homoeopathic Recorder, Issue 40.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Homeopathy is recognised as a safe, inexpensive and effective form of treatment against illness, and it is used by literally millions of people worldwide. Yet in the UK, steps are being taken to reduce your access to this therapeutic tool. A handful of people are waging a fierce campaign against the profession – and it is gaining momentum. Unless people stand up for their right to choose, homeopathy could be seriously marginalised.

This website gives you access to some key facts about homeopathy, explains what’s happening, and let’s you know what you can do before it is too late.

Monday, April 6, 2009


In Memory of the 254th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Homeopaths and homeopathy supporters from around the globe will join forces in April during World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW) on April 10th to 16th, 2009

Starting with this week events will take place in more then 45 countries around the world. The theme for 2009 is Homeopathy for Allergies.

Addressing Allergies with Homeopathy:
Meet Vancouver's Best Homeopaths Isabel Johnston LMT, DCH and Allyson Burden DCH, NES (Cert) as they discuss Allergies and how Homeopathic Treatment can help. Get questions answered that you've wanted to know about Allergies and related health concerns.

In celebration of Homeopathy Awareness Week, Access Natural Healing Centre is giving 10% off Homeopathic Appointments to attendees of this event.

Where: Mosaic Community Room - 1720 Grant Street at Commercial Drive
When: Tuesday, April 7th from 7pm to 8:30pm

Limited Seating. Call to register 604-568-4663 or email

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Immunization Information

No one is legally required to get vaccinated. Do your research and make your decision whether to vaccinate or what kind of vaccination schedule that you decide will be best. It is one of the most difficult health decisions to make and it is a decision that should be made, free of pressure from outside perspectives.

Also known as Homeoprophylaxis, this Protocol for Homeopathic Immunization against infectious diseases has been proven to be safe and effective with over 15 years of research.

Homeopathy can help restore health for any problems correlated to vaccinations. Homeopathy helps the immune system which means it helps for auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, Crohnes disease, allergies and eczema. Homeopathy can also help for Autism and Asperger's.

The Homeopathic Immunization Protocol that Access Natural Healing ~Holistic Health Centre~ offers is based on the research done by Dr. Isaac Golden. Here is some information about him and his research findings.

What made Dr. Isaac Golden interested in researching Homeopathic Immunization (aka HomeoProphylaxis)?

In his own words as seen on

Dr. Isaac – Before I knew what homeopathy was, I used to have my own children vaccinated. Then one was vaccine damaged after having progressively worse reactions to the standard 2, 4 and 6 month vaccines (which were given late). The doctors told me that it definitely didn’t have anything to do with the vaccines, but after the third round, and the worst reaction, I knew that I was not being told the truth.

I then began collecting information about vaccination. The material by the late Professor Robert Mendelsohn was about all that was available here at the time. They still are great references. So I decided to stop vaccinating my children.

Then, when I started studying homeopathy, and read that Hahnemann had used Belladonna to prevent Scarlet Fever (the first use of homeoprophylaxis), I knew I had to take this further. I collected the very few readily available references on this (mainly Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, and Sankaran’s little summary of homeoprophylaxis use). I designed a 5 year program that I and other parents could use instead of the orthodox vaccination schedules.

I kept studying our literature, and found that whilst there were a lot of clinical reports of the effectiveness of HP, there was very little formal research into safety and effectiveness. So I began collecting data from parents using my program, with a determination to eventually provide formal statistical evidence supporting HP as an option to vaccination. That was in 1985/6 – it has been a long journey until now!

What are the most significant findings of the research?

Dr. Isaac – There is so much that could be said, but I would say that the three most significant findings are:

(1) The consistency of measures of the effectiveness of HP [HomeoProphylaxis] over 200 years, both for long-term and short-term protection – at around 90%. This is a very strong figure, and very consistent with vaccine efficacy. My own data was collected from 1986 to 2004, and vetted by a Professor of Medicine and a medical epidemiologist during my Swinburne research. So it means we can offer people a safe alternative with a demonstrated effectiveness.
(2) Evaluation of the overall safety of long-term HP was an important new aspect of my Doctoral research at Swinburne University from 2000 to 2004, and the results were excellent. Some of my colleagues had quite reasonably questioned whether the use of my long-term program could cause any weakening of the Vital Force over time, and the data unambiguously said “no” to that question. It further showed that my long-term HP program was associated with an improvement in general well being– a result that pleased, but also surprised me to some extent.
(3) How damaging vaccination is over the long-term. Once again, the results are unambiguous, and are fully consistent with the very few long-term studies of the impact of vaccination on overall wellness. The fact that the orthodox community has done so little genuine research into long-term safety of vaccination is to their eternal discredit.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Oscillococcinum for the first sign of flu

Oscillococcinum for the first sign of flu


Common Homeopathic Remedies for Common Allergies :-

Allergic to dust, smoke,strong perfumes Histamine 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to bread, acidic food Nat Mur 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to beer, malt liquor Kali Bich 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to dust(asthma), Pothos Foe 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to warm boiled milk, fatty pork (diarrhoea), Sepia 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to milk Magnesia Carb 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cod liver oil Hepar Sulph 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to aspirin, bad liquor, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items Carvo Veg 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to antibiotics Sulphur 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)

Allergic to castor oil Bryonia Album 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to coffee Nux Vomica 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to heat Apis Mel 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to cold drinks, fruits, rotten food, iodine Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to dampness Dulcamara 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma) Ailanthus G, 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to sweats, fatty meat, onion Thuja Occ 30 or 200, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

Allergic to sugar Argentum Nit 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)

Allergic to rice Tellurium 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cabbage Petroleum 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cheese Nitri spiritus dulcis Q or 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to cold milk Kali Iod 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to decayed vegetables, Carbo Animalis 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to unripe fruits, prunes, Rheum 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to veal Kali Nit 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to pastry; rich icecream, mixed food Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to lemonade Selenium 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to indigestible food, tonque clean, constant nausea Ipecac 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to melons Zingiber 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to iodide of potassium, Aurum Met 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to sugar; bitter food Natrum Phos 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Incurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M, fortnightly(3 Doses)

Allergic to vinegar; pickles, sour foods, acids Lachesis 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to strawberries Oxalic Acid 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to oysters Lycopodium 200, 6 hourly.


Allergic Bronchitis - Inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes due to altered reaction incited by an antigen or allergen is called Allergic Bronchitis.

After preventive vaccines (Triple antigen, polio oral vaccine or B.C.G) Drosera 1M (never give in acute stage) fortnightly (3 Doses)

After vaccination against small pox Thuja Occ 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

After vaccination against Diphtheria Diphtherinum 1M, 10 min( 3 Doses)


Allergic Rhinitis :-

Allergic to dust, smoke, perfumes and sprays etc,usually of the naso pharynx which leads to sneezing and blockage of nose and then cough Histamine 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to dust, coryza with profuse nasal discharge and sneezing in the evening, dull frontal headache; lachrynation with itching in eyes Justicia Adhatoda 30, 4 hourly

Profuse, watery coryza; itching to posterior chamber of nose Solanum Lycopersicum 30, 4 hourly.

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food 15 minutes before or after taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
NO side effects or Complications.


For permanent resolution of Allergies - Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner for constitutional treatment.