Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Homeopathic Immunization

No one is legally required to get vaccinated. To enter schools or to travel overseas - there are choices that you are legally allowed to make.

Do your research and make your own decision whether to vaccinate or what kind of vaccination schedule that you decide you want for your child. It is a decision for you - yourself to make and the decision should be made, free of pressure from outside biased perspectives. There are choices out there for you.

If you are not sure if the vaccination route suits you, find out about Homeopathic Immunization.

Also known as Homeoprophylaxis, this Protocol for Homeopathic Immunization against infectious diseases has been proven to be safe and effective with over 15 years of research.

Call 604-568-4663 to find out more.

Homeopathy can help restore health for any problems correlated to vaccinations. Homeopathy helps the immune system which means it helps for auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, Crohnes disease, allergies and eczema. Homeopathy can also help for Autism and Asperger's.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Homeopaths I've met at the LIGA Homoeopathic Conference in California

Vonette from Whole Health Now... the lovely Doula and Homeopathic book advisor voice on the other end of the phone line...

and me and Twyla

Monday, June 14, 2010

Homoeopathic Pharmacist of C.E.M.O.N. from Napoli (Naples, Italy), Luca Scotto di Vettima

Pictures from the Homeopathic Doctors I've met at the LIGA Homeopathic Congress in California May 22nd, 2010
Homoeopathic Pharmacist of C.E.M.O.N. from Napoli (Naples, Italy), Luca Scotto di Vettima between Dr. Loridawn Fawcett and myself, Elena Cecchetto

Friday, June 11, 2010


Placenta Story with Nane Jordan.

Have your placenta preserved for a lifetime as medicine by making it into a homeopathic remedy. Call us at Access Natural Healing to find out how.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dr. Frederik Schroyens Author of “Synthesis. Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum”

Dr. Frederik Schroyens

Author of “Synthesis. Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum”

Pictures from the Homeopathic Doctors I've met at the LIGA Homeopathic Congress in California May 22nd

Pictures from the Homeopathic Doctors I've met at the LIGA Homeopathic Congress in California May 22nd, 2010

Todd Rowe
(1958 - )
Todd Rowe was born October 14, 1958 in Lake Forest, Illinois. He can be reached at American Medical College of Homeopathy, 2001 W. Camelback, Suite 150, Phoenix, Arizona 85015.
His phone is (602) 347-7950
His fax is (602) 864-2949
His email address is toddrowe@igc.org
The college website is www.AMCofH.org
Dr. Todd Rowe is a licensed homeopathic physician who has been practicing homeopathy for over 23 years and has a full time practice in classical homeopathy. He is certified by the American Board of Homeotherapeutics and the Council for Homeopathic Certification. He is the director and president of the newly-forming medical school — the American Medical College of Homeopathy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Natural Remedies for Children with Autism

Team Access Homeopaths with Dr. Sunil Anand for a seminar on Treating Autism with Homeopathy.

Natural Remedies for Children with Autism

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pictures from the Homeopathic Doctors I've met at the LIGA Homeopathic Congress in California May 22nd, 2010

Dana Ullman, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy. He is the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services, America's leading resource center for homeopathic books, tapes, medicines, software, and correspondence courses. Homeopathic Educational Services has co-published over 35 books on homeopathy with North Atlantic Books. Dana writes a regular column for the wildly popular website www.huffingtonpost.com