Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Comments on CBC Marketplace Homeopathy expose

I strongly object to the title of the program, "Cure or Con?" The title itself reveals a bias against homeopathy. The problem similar to the question "when did you stop beating your wife?" There is an unfair and unwarranted implied aspersion that there is something immoral or dishonest about homeopathy and homeopathic treatment.

To be sure, homeopathy is poorly understood in the West, especially in the Media.

Worse yet, there is an organized movement among "professional skeptics," who have zero experience with homeopathy, and who are motivated by either a misguided sense of righteousness, or by pharmaceutical industry slush funds to slur an therapeutic practice that has more than 200 years of clinical success. There is a wave of anti-homeopathy media stories now, and the timing is no accident;there is an organized campaign against homeopathy by various organizations that are funded in part by the pharmaceutical industry. This is part of an effort to stamp out competition and it is nothing new, but the sophistication of the campaign to slur homeopathic is greater than ever in the past.

Homeopathy is primarily an energetic practice, and the mechanism of action is more like that of acupuncture than of herbal or pharmaceutical medicines. Persons who cannot conceive that energy medicine is vital and effective get anxious about homeopathy and they demand that homeopathy explain itself in material terms, which it may not easily do. The block-heads who cannot conceive of energy medicine then shriek that homeopathy is not real or a sham in the way that Chicken Little forewarns that the sky is falling. Of course the sky is not falling, and of course homeopathy is not a con.

It's a shame that the journalists here are too simple minded to fairly evaluate homeopathy on it's own terms and to interview patients who have unquestionably benefited from homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic patients are not fools and homeopathic practitioners are not dishonest con artists as the title of segment show would imply.

I am a professional homeopath. I am Canadian and I earned my Permanent Resident Status in the U.S. on the basis of my professional credentials as a homeopath. If the U.S. Immigration Service, quite a conservative organizaton will accept my credentials, this says something about the quality of my profession.

I've been in practice since 1994 and I trained in the United Kingdom. There is no doubt that homeopathy works. I could not, if I had a conscience offer services which did not lead to a benefit.

Sincerely your,
