Homeopathic Remedy Support During Pregnancy:
Schüssler's Tissue Salts
- Calc flu 6X, Mag phos 6X, Ferr phos 6X
- 2nd & 6th month
Schüssler's Tissue Salts
- Calc flu 6X, Mag phos 6X, Nat mur 6X
- 3th & 7th month
Schüssler's Tissue Salts
- Calc flu 6X, Mag phos 6X, Nat mur 6X
- 4th & 8th month
Schüssler's Tissue Salts
- Calc flu 6X, Mag phos 6X, Nat mur 6X
- 5th & 9th month
Calcarea fluorica 6X
- maintain elasticity of the vessels and the tissues
- prevents varicose, hemorrhoids and stretch marks
- helps the growth of teeth and bones of the fetus
Magnesia phosphorica 6X
Protects from heartburns and cramps
Ferrum phosphoricum 6X
Assures or maintains a soft supplement of iron and to prevent anemia
Natrum muriaticum 6X
Maintains the hydrous balance and prevent edema and putting that extra weight
Silicea 6X
Strengthens the pubic bones and the supportive conjunctive tissues