Thursday, November 24, 2011

Choices and Alternatives
Upcoming Event
Join Us As We Host
Thursday December 1st 7pm-8:30pm 1458 Commercial Drive
Admission Fee: Members free, General Public $10
RSVP: Register Early as Space is Limited!

No one is legally required to get vaccinated. Do your research and make your decision whether to vaccinate or what kind of vaccination schedule that you decide will be best. It is one of the most difficult health decisions to make and it is a decision that should be made, free of pressure from outside perspectives.

This Protocol for Homeopathic Immunization against infectious diseases has been proven to be safe and effective with over 15 years of research.

Homeopathy can help restore health for any problems correlated to vaccinations. Homeopathy helps the immune system which means it helps for auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, Crohns disease, allergies and eczema. Homeopathy can also help for Autism and Asperger's.

The Homeopathic Immunization Protocol that ~Access Natural Healing Centre~ offers is based on the research done by Dr. Isaac Golden.
El Cecchetto DCH, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Certified Homeopath

She loves hearing back from new parents about getting the teething, colic, nursing issues, sleeping, coughing, and rashes successfully addressed with homeopathic care. Her focus on fertility and children have been supported by extra conferences with Dr. Sunil Anand and Louis Klein plus monthly case conference nights with Laurie Dack. Elena Cecchetto was on the founding board of the Canadian Society of Homeopaths. In June of 2007 she presented at the BC Society of Homeopaths (BCSH) Case Conference. In September, 2009 the Health Action Network Society, requested a presentation of her Homeopathic Immunization program known as HomeoImmunePro (HIP). Various publications (including CBC TV) have written articles about her work as a Professional Certified Homeopath. Elena is passionate about the use of Homeopathy helping people with substance misuse and addictive behaviours and conducted her fourth year study at the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy on Addictions. Elena believes that helping people heal with Homeopathic Treatment is a wonderful gift.

Your Wellness Team at

~Access Natural Healing Centre~





“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chicken Pox by Mail?

I'm not going to pretend like I haven't over-analyzed and over-researched vaccines. I'm not going to pretend that I haven't cornered my doctor for a much longer period of time than she spends with her other patients about MMR, chicken pox, polio, etc. We had discussions, yes. Which are the most important? Which have the least side effects? Which is a dead vaccine? I read books: Dr Sears' The Vaccine Book the most helpful.

My son in fact, did NOT get the chicken pox vaccine, and when he was four he got an actual case of chicken pox from a few kids in his nursery school who HAD BEEN vaccinated. My doctor believed -- and still does -- in chicken pox parties. She felt the actual disease is more efficient than the actual vaccine and though she made sure Jake got polio, pertussis, MMR -- even during the height of the autism-MMR connection scare, which is no longer a scare at all. Chicken pox parties. Yes. She recommended it.

When Jake got chicken pox it was thankfully mild. She drew blood. He's got titers which means there was proof of the chicken pox in his system. That's all a school needs. Titers, yes, ma'am. We got it the good-old-fashioned way. And I was proud! Isn't that silly? I really was. Chicken pox. Who didn't get chicken pox in the 70s and 80s? I did! It was awful. And then it was over.

Now folks are joining closed Facebook groups to specifically send each other infected lollipops, saliva and/or articles of clothing to hold their own chicken pox parties. I'm so outraged by hearing this that I literally want to bang my head against the wall. Slate columnist KJ Dell'Antonia wrote this angry rant that puts it well:

Let's try this sentence on for size: "I just gave my kid a pre-licked lollipop sent to me by a stranger I met on the Internet!" I suspect the "outing" of this practice by the media will also mark its public end. I'm sure we're talking about a very, very small number of people here. But if chicken-pox-by-mail sounds like a good idea to you, then I'm going to have to abandon the polite conversation and bring out the verbal two-by-fours.

I am all for chicken pox parties. Elke hasn't gotten her chicken pox vaccine yet. But the stupidity of passing infected chicken pox lollipops through the mail is terrifying. In fact, it makes me propelled to vaccinate her, like, immediately. Do these parents remember the anthrax scare of 2001? When we thought the world was ending and one of the news anchors had traces of anthrax on his desk. That the Hamilton, New Jersey Post Office was shut down because of traces of ANTHRAX. Now a bunch of die-hards think it's a good idea to send a virus through the mail? This is not only illegal, but highly dangerous.

Dr. Wilbert Mason had this to say to the LA Times:

For starters, he said, sending chicken pox through the mail probably won't work, because the varicella virus needs cells to live in, and there probably would be very few cells in spit or on a used lollipop. "It's unlikely the virus would survive long enough," he said.

But more resilient types of infections -- dangerous ones -- could make it, including hepatitis B, group A strep, and staph germs.

There is a certain point as parents that you have to take a step back and weigh the risks. I'm not a fan of over-vaccinating. I make sure I space my vaccines out. I linger a bit when it comes to the biggies. But there's a certain point you have to say -- okay, I'm not going to take candy from a stranger and put my child at an even greater risk than she would have been in the first place.

This week: Chicken pox vaccine. December 1: Flu shot.

Hayley Krischer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Radiation & Chemotherapy Side Effects

Radiation & Chemotherapy Side Effects

Classical homeopathic treatment addresses the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment naturally and effectively. Our remedies can alleviate chemotherapy and radiation side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, depression, and skin complaints.

Homeopathy does not antidote the positive effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Studies Prove Homeopathy Alleviates Chemotherapy and Radiation Side Effects

Matthias Rostock, Johannes Naumann, Corina Guethlin, Lars Guenther, Hans H Bartsch and Harald Walach. “Classical homeopathy in the treatment of cancer patients – a prospective observational study of two independent cohorts” BMC Cancer 2011, 11:19

We conducted a prospective observational study with cancer patients in two differently treated cohorts: one cohort with patients under complementary homeopathic treatment (HG; n=259), and one cohort with conventionally treated cancer patients (CG; n=380). For a direct comparison, matched pairs with patients of the same tumour entity and comparable prognosis were to be formed. Main outcome parameter: change of quality of life (FACT-G, FACIT-Sp) after 3 months. Secondary outcome parameters: change of quality of life (FACT-G, FACIT-Sp) after a year, as well as impairment by fatigue (MFI) and by anxiety and depression (HADS). In our prospective study, we observed an improvement of quality of life as well as a tendency of fatigue symptoms to decrease in cancer patients under complementary homeopathic treatment.

Kassab S, Cummings M, Berkovitz S, van Haselen R, Fisher P. ”Homeopathic Medicines for Adverse effects of Cancer Treatments.” Cochrane Database Systematic Review. 2009 Apr 15;(2):CD004845.

Cochrane Reviews investigate the effects of interventions for prevention, or treatment of illness, or rehabilitation from illness, in a healthcare setting. Most Cochrane Reviews are based on overviews of randomized controlled trials and other forms of evidence that are deemed to be appropriate. This review was conducted to determine what, if any, evidence (in the opinion of the Cochrane reviewers) exists for the treatment by homeopathy of the effects of conventional cancer therapies. A search through numerous databases revealed 8 controlled trials involved in this area of study, 7 of which were placebo controlled and 1 of which was against an active treatment. In total, the trials covered the outcomes of 664 people who’d been variously suffering from the adverse effects of radiotherapy, chemotherapy or breast cancer treatment. Of the 8, 2 trials exhibited beneficial effects from homeopathy. One of these involved a comparison between the effects of a topical corticosteroid and a homeopathic mother tincture of calendula for the prevention of dermatitis from radiotherapy where the calendula proved to be superior to the drug. The other involved the successful use of a homeopathic complex for stomatatitis caused by chemotherapy.

Kulkarni A, Nagarkar BM, Burde GS. “Radiation protection by use of homoeopathic medicines.” Proceedings from the 8th Conference of Radiation Oncologists of India, Bombay, December 1986, reported in Hahnemann Homoeopath Sand, 1988 Jan,12, 1, 20-3.

82 patients receiving radiotherapy were randomly assigned to receive placebo, Cobaltum 30C or Causticum 30C as a means of assessing the effects of these against dermatological reactions to the radiotherapy. The homeopathic medicines provided a significant reduction in the degree of radiation reactions when compared to placebo

Schlappack O. ”Homeopathic treatment of radiation induced itching in breast cancer patients. A prospective observational study.” Homeopathy, 2004, 93, 210-215.

25 women suffering from post-radiotherapy induced itching were treated at the University of Vienna’s Department of Radiotherapy and Radiobiology using individualised homeopathic medicines. After assessment (1-27 days after beginning the treatment) it was found that homeopathic treatment had been successful in 21 of the women enrolled in the study.

Khuda-Bukhsh, A.R., Banik, S. (1991a) “Assessment of Cytogenetic Damage in X-irradiated Mice and its Alteration by Oral Administration of Potentized Homeopathic Drug, Ginseng D200,” Berlin Journal of Research in Homeopathy, 1,4/5:254.

German researchers exposed albino mice to sub-lethal doses of x-ray. Homeopathic Ginseng and Ruta graveolens were given to the mice before and after exposure. Their condition was evaluated at 24, 48, and 72 hours. When compared with mice given a placebo, the homeopathic mice had significantly less chromosomal and cellular damage.

Bildet, J.,Guyot, M., Bonini, F., et al. (1990) “Demonstrating the Effects of Apis mellifica and Apium virus Dilutions on Erythema Induced by U.V. Radiation on Guinea Pigs,” Berlin Journal of Research in Homeopathy, 1:28.

German researchers exposed albino guinea pigs to X-rays until their skin reddened. Studies showed that homeopathic Apis mellifica not only had a protective effect for the guinea pigs but also a curative effect of about 50 percent on the X-ray reddened skin.

Volunteering in Swaziland, using Homeopathy

My father had passed away and I had turned 50. It was time to stretch my horizons and step out of my comfort zone. I had been working full time as a Homeopath in lovely Salmon Arm, British Columbia, but what I felt I needed was a new challenge. I googled ‘homeopathy volunteer work overseas’ and there were the opportunities – just as easy as that! I was off to Africa.

My first volunteer stint was with The Swaziland Homeopathy Project.  Barbara Braun - who runs the Project - and Ruth, the volunteer homeopath, welcomed me with open arms and I embraced Swaziland. What an amazing country! Here are some excerpts from my letters home:

I have now been in Swaziland for over a week and I love it. It is a wonderful country, amazing scenery and fabulous people. It is a kingdom, still ruled by a king who has 13 wives and is looking for another one later this year! It is winter here (July) and the vegetation is actually quite lush with almost tropical-looking plants and beautiful flowers.

Every day, except Sunday I have been driving with Ruth to outreach clinics in the bush - often a 2 hour drive away. We set up our tables and chairs in some old barn or shed and the people pour in to see us, often about 40 of them, waiting patiently for their turn.

It is exhausting - try taking 20 new cases in a day! But it is rewarding, as the people are so grateful. Often while they are waiting, just sitting in the shade, they will all start singing; it really touches your heart. Their stories are so sad and often they cry; most have lost many family members to Aids and most are really hungry and have lots of kids to support.

At the end of the day, Ruth and I are tired out and when we get back to our basic house, with little furniture and no heating, all we want to do is make supper and fall asleep.

The Swaziland Homeopathic Project also operates a clinic based in a school for children who have lost their parents to Aids. Many of the children live in ‘child-headed households,’ where about 10 kids live in a house and the older kids look after the younger ones - there are no adults alive left to look after them. HIV and Aids are devastating this country and, obviously, hitting the poor and underprivileged first. 

While I was there, the Swaziland Homeopathic Project was also involved in a research study on the use of homeopathy in the Mbambe hospital. The hospital was very run down and dirty; patients were in the corridors - on beds and below them! (There were even some prisoners wandering around in shackles on one of the days we were there.) We were given an office to work out of and were prescribing for patients with HIV and TB. If you would like to know the results of this research project, please contact Barbara at

As of this year, Barbara is offering a two-week volunteering opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students seeking continuing professional development (CPD) in the field of Homeopathy. Practicing homeopaths looking to obtain knowledge of treating patients in indigenous rural communities are also welcome. Participants have a unique chance to experience African culture, visit historical sites, and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of Swaziland. Participants gain practical clinical experience - approximately 50 cases - and learn about the treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases.

For the second part of my stay, I travelled from Swaziland to Johannesburg and then flew over the Kalahari Desert to… the middle of nowhere; we landed in Maun, Botswana. Maun is a cattle town with a sandy, dusty main street filled with people, wild donkeys, cattle, cars, and goats. People dressed in suits with cell phones mingle with the local women who are dressed in long Victorian dresses (really!) carrying material in the shape of horns. They are Harare tribeswomen and the horns represent the cattle they own. The town is overwhelming in its chaos - and very different from Swaziland. The weather is warm, around 26 degrees Celsius during the day and then very cold at night. Maun is in northern Botswana and has one of the highest rates of HIV and Aids in the world. Over 25% of people are infected with the virus.

The Maun Homeopathic Project operates a clinic in Maun and provides free treatment to those who are HIV positive and patients with TB. The project was set up in 2002 by Hilary Fairclough, a homeopath based in the UK.  It is a charity registered in the UK and working in partnership with the local NGO’s - namely, Women against Rape, Bana Ba Letsatsi (‘Sunshine Children’), and the Lutheran Church. 

Both the Maun project and the project in Swaziland use the ‘triad method’ of prescribing homeopathically. It is an excellent method of dealing with the complex pathology and disease states that characterize many of the patients seen, most of whom are HIV positive and often also have TB.  The triad protocol is as follows:

- One remedy for the acute layer
- One remedy for the constitutional/fundamental layer
- One remedy for the miasmatic layer (a nosode)

For each layer and remedy, the totality of characteristic symptoms is the most important aspect of selection. Nothing is routine and every selection is individualized. Normally, the prescription will consist of taking each remedy once a week for 4 weeks, after which the client waits a week, and then comes back for a follow-up consultation. As well as the clinic in Maun, outreach clinics are also serviced. 

Here is more from my letters:

I love the volunteer work in Maun. Last week we drove out into the bush and passed a million wild donkeys and tons of cattle that just wander all over the road. After hours of driving on flat, sandy tracks we reached a small village and there was a crowd of people sitting in the shade under trees, waiting patiently for us. We set up in the local church and outside it. There were four of us, two homeopaths and two homeopathic students (who also acted as interpreters when necessary). We consulted with around 40 clients, ranging from the elderly to small children.

We took sandwiches as there is nowhere to eat in the villages and nowhere to stop for a cold drink. You have to be very self-sufficient - and have a strong bladder, because there is no place to go to the bathroom either!

The Maun Project also offers home visits to its clients. These visits are for people too sick to travel into the clinic - so you can imagine how poorly they are… I would drive out with my interpreter, along some sandy bush track to a ‘shed’ with one room, to find a client lying on a mattress with old blankets on top, and they would tell me how they were feeling and I would then prescribe for them. It was hard to see people suffering so much. Anyway, we do what we can and hope for the best. Hilary works amazingly hard to keep the Project running and her results are outstanding.

The Maun Project also trains local people to become homeopaths. Check out their website for more details: If you are interested in volunteering here, please go to the ‘Get involved’ section.

Volunteering in Africa was exciting, empowering and challenging. It opened doors for me and expanded my homeopathic knowledge and clinical experience. If you’ve come to feel comfortable where you are at, perhaps it is time for a change… - just open up Google!  Or please donate - both Projects need funds to carry on their good work.
By Jude Corfield