Saturday, May 30, 2009


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Homeopathy users think it works

Homeopathy users think it works
Monday, 25 May 2009, 2:46 pm
Press Release: Shaun Holt

[Media release]

Homeopathy users think it works, but don’t know what it is

25th May 2009 – 92% of users of homeopathic remedies think that the products work according to a survey published in the latest edition of the New Zealand Medical Journal. But only 6% of those surveyed knew that homeopathic remedies did not contain any active ingredient and most thought that homeopathic remedies were either moderately or very concentrated.

Homeopathy critic Dr. Shaun Holt said that he was not surprised by the survey findings, and that they confirmed his suspicions that homeopathy remained popular because people did not know what it was. “Two thirds of people think that there is good scientific evidence that homeopathy works, but there is none”, said Dr. Holt. “There’s a US$1 million prize for anyone who can prove that it works that has remained unclaimed for many years.”

Researchers Shaun Holt and Andrew Gilbey surveyed 124 patients in GP surgeries and found that 65% had used homeopathic products.
Dr. Holt said that “...almost all of the general public and many health professionals do not understand that homeopathic products are not simply dilute solutions – there is no active ingredient. It is like pouring a cup of coffee into Lake Taupo and then taking a cup of water from Taupo the next day and describing that water as “dilute coffee””.

Dr. Holt said that there were good explanations as to why people thought that homeopathy worked despite the complete lack of scientific plausibility or evidence. These reasons included placebo responses and also confusion between clinical improvements, which are attributed to homeopathy, and the natural history of the illness. In other words, the medical conditions would have improved anyway. “It’s like the emperor’s new clothes” concluded Dr. Holt.

I have studied and practiced Hahnemanian Healing (Hahnemann was the founder of homeopathy) for 27 years under Doctors. It works, it saved my former husband's life, I have seen people come out of comas, I have seen people cured of too many emotional and physical conditions to name. The Queen of England uses it. Only the ignorant who have not researched the subject would say it doesn't work.
Our own Dept of Public Health documented the amazing cure rate for cholera, the 1918 pandemic, Typhoid and more! The real question is- has Western medicine ever cured a chronic disease or just palliated it with steroids?
Time to wake up folks, and stop pointing fingers! The US is rated 14th for infant mortality and extremely low for other medical problems....WHY? Maybe because other countries accept and use natural methods, including homeopathy. it is accepted all over the world by many governments (India is just one example- if anything works there, it HAS to be good!).

Friday, May 29, 2009



In England, The Royal Family has regularly used Homeopathy since the 1830’s. Today, QUEEN ELIZABETH II is a patron to the famed Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and PRINCE CHARLES is known to carry Homeopathic medicines whenever he travels.

GAY GAER LUCE. Ph.D. (twice winner of The National Science Writer’s Award) said that, "Homeopathy is a highly developed health practice that uses a systematic approach to the totality of a person’s health. Anyone seeking a fuller understanding of health and healing will find Homeopathy extremely important and applicable."

MARK TWAIN once said: ".... (For) the introduction of Homeopathy, which forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. YOU MAY HONESTLY FEEL GRATEFUL THAT HOMEOPATHY SURVIVED THE ATTEMPTS OF THE ALLOPATHS (THE ORTHODOX PHYSICIANS) TO DESTROY IT." Harper’s Magazine. February 1890.

WILLIAM JAMES stated that, "An enormous mass of experience, both of Homeopathic doctors and their patients, is invoked in favor of the efficacy of these remedies and doses."

JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER thought that Homeopathy is a "progressive and aggressive step in medicine."

MAHATMA GANDHI declared that, "Homeopathy. . . cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt safer, more economical, and the most complete medical science.



Mahatma Gandhi
William James
John D. Rockefeller
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Daniel Webster
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Samuel F.B. Morse


Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Tina Turner, Singer. Actress
Yehudi Menuhin, Master Violinist
Nicholos Von Hoffman, Syndicated Columnist
William Tiller. Ph.D., Stanford Professor
Pat Riley, Coach of the L.A. Lakers
Lindsay Wagner, Actress
Andrew Weil, M.D., Researcher and Author
OJ Simpson, Football Superstar
Jim Bouton, Ex-Yankee Pitcher
Bob MacAdoo, NBA Rookie-Of-The-Year 1972
Sally Little, Pro Golfer
Kate Schmidt, Two Time Olympic Medallist in The Javelin

GROWTH STATISTICS: THE F.D.A. CONSUMER, one of our government’s magazines, reported That the sales of HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES INCREASED 1000% FROM THE LATE 1970s TO THE EARLY 1980s. (March, 1985)

The Washington Post (April 28. 1983) reported That The number of PHYSICIANS PRACTICING HOMEOPATHY DOUBLED FROM 1980 TO 1983.

The New York Times (January 9. 1985) reported That The number of visits to Homeopathic Physicians in England is growing at an INCREDIBLE 39% PER YEAR. The London Times (March 13,1985) noted that 48% OF THE PHYSICIANS IN ENGLAND RECOMMEND HOMEOPATHY TO SOME OF THEIR PATIENTS.

Homeopathy has received more attention in the popular and scientific press in the past year than at any other lime in history.

NEWSWEEK, TIME. "THE TODAY SHOW," "CBS MORNING NEWS." NEW YORK TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES. BOSTON GLOBE. UPI. AP. and NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO are but some of The media who have done one or more stories on Homeopathy in the past year.

A recent survey of French Doctors revealed that approximately 11.000 physicians utilize Homeopathic Medicines. Twenty-Thousand French Pharmacies now sell Homeopathic Medicines. This survey also stated that six medical schools offer courses in Homeopathy leading to a degree. Homeopathy is also taught in ALL pharmacy schools and four veterinary schools. 18

Homeopathy is growing so rapidly in France that a recent cover story of Le Nouvel Observateur, one of France’s leading magazines, noted That President Mitterrand and six Medical School Deans had called for more research on Homeopathy. 19

Homeopathy is experiencing widespread popularity in Europe. but it is even more popular in Asia, especially India. Pakistan. and Sri Lanka. Homeopathy has spread like wild fire in India due to its effectiveness in treating both the acute infectious conditions and chronic maladies on the sub-continent.

Presently, there are over 120 four- to five-year Homeopathic Medical Schools, and 100,000 Homeopathic Practitioners in India. 20

Homeopathy is also growing widely in South America Mexico, Greece, Belgium. Italy. Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, and the Soviet Union.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Homeopathy For Insomnia

Going Alternative With Homeopathy For Insomnia - Common Preparations Used For Homeopathy

Insomnia is a common health issue that troubles a significant part of the population. Statistics will reveal varying percentages of the population complaining about chronic insomnia, but what remains constant is the fact that a lot of people are affected by insomnia and in the process their quality of life is affected. But there is good news for those who suffer from insomnia. There are a number of approved medications that can be taken, and some of these are over-the-counter medications.

Aside from this approach, there are also natural ways on how to combat this sleeping disorder. One such natural approach is through the adoption of homeopathy. This is an alternative therapy used in treating insomnia. Some of the well-known preparations that are used as homeopathic remedies are often tested first on animals. For example, coffea cruda has been tested first on rats and based on researches an identified dosage of this preparation improve the sleep patterns of rats. And when used for humans, the coffea cruda can help those with insomnia especially if the sleeping disorder is linked to stress, anxiety and over-activity of the brain.

Here are some other homeopathic preparations that can be used to cure insomnia:

Aconite. This is a chosen for its help in easing insomnia related to panic and grief. This is recommended for the person often awakened in the middle of the night by nightmares.

The use of arnica is suggested for persons who cannot sleep due to jet lag.


Ignatia is used by patients who experience the sleeping disorder related to shock, grief or over-stressing.

Nux vomica (aka Colubrina). This preparation is recommended for insomnia that is related to over-indulgence and mental stress. This is also recommended to the patient who constantly wakes up early in the morning.

A person with insomnia should not automatically take homeopathy without first consulting a professional homeopath. It is the duty of the professional homeopath to select the right remedy given the present condition of the patient. If the sleeping disorder is linked to deeper causes like depression then homeopathy can be used too to treat the underlying cause. With so many over-the-counter medications out there and behavioral approaches in curing insomnia, why take homeopathy which is an alternative way of cure? Well the use of medication is common and medications are best in treating insomnia in the short term. And the issue with these medications is that these may leave those unwanted side effects. And these unwanted side effects may upset the patient and may even prevent the patient from getting a good night sleep. Allergic reactions, drowsiness and sleep walking are just some of the side effects that can be delivered by these medications. But with homeopathy for insomnia, side effects are absent and the patient can drift into the night peacefully and in a natural way.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today, more and more Canadians, including children, are being exposed to a wide variety of alternative health care products and services. Nationally, we spent $3.8 billion on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and natural health products between 1996 and 1997 (1). In 2001, 75% of Canadians used one or more natural health products and 19% consulted a CAM practitioner (2,3). Homeopathy is one of the more popular alternative therapies used in children (4). The present statement reviews the principles of homeopathy and the evidence, or lack thereof, for its use in specific paediatric conditions. Its purpose is to enable physicians, health care workers and families to make appropriate patient-management decisions. A systematic review of the current literature was performed using PubMed, CAM on PubMed, the Cochrane Library and Health Canada’s Web sites (search terms used: homeopathy, alternative and complementary medicine, children, paediatrics, infants and teens). Due to the paucity of studies in the purely paediatric population, some articles cited included adult data. No trials analyzing the effects of over-the-counter paediatric homeopathic preparations were found.

Historical perspective

Homeopathy, a word derived from the Greek omeos, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering, was developed at the end of the 18th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (5,6). It soon spread to other European countries and the United States, in part because conventional medical remedies at that time were often more dangerous or painful than the diseases they were meant to treat. In this century, some patients have turned to alternative medicine, including homeopathy, because of a growing dissatisfaction and disenchantment with a ‘high-tech’, depersonalized medical system (6-8). In addition, homeopathy, by virtue of its purported nontoxic nature, appeals to those with legitimate concerns about conventional drugs (9). Homeopathy is one of the most popular CAM therapies worldwide, especially in Europe (7,10). In the United States, its use has increased fivefold since 1990, largely through the sale of over-the-counter products (11). Homeopathy and homeopathic medicines should not be confused with herbal remedies.

Principles of homeopathy

A major tenet of homeopathy is the law of similars or ‘like cures like’ (ie, a substance can ‘cure’ in a patient the same set of symptoms it can induce in a healthy individual) (7). A plant, mineral or other product is chosen on the basis that it would, if given to a healthy volunteer, cause the presenting symptoms of the patient (12). When given in a very diluted form, the chosen homeopathic remedy should alleviate these symptoms. Currently, there are over 2000 substances known as remedies in the homeopathic materia medica (13). For example, a homeopathic preparation derived from cockroaches may be used to treat a form of asthma characterized by suffocation with an accumulation of mucus (14). Another manifestation of asthma might be treated with a different preparation. Choosing remedies based on the symptoms rather than the disease itself is an integral part of the holistic approach to treatment by homeopathic practitioners (6).

As the remedy in its pure form would likely have some degree of toxicity, it is diluted and shaken (succussed) in a 1:10 (X or D for decimal) or 1:100 (C for centesimal) dilution in a water-alcohol solution. The higher the dilution is, the more potent the medicine. Insoluble substances are pulverized and formed into pellets with sucrose and/or lactose (15). Highly diluted preparations are greater than Avogadro’s number and no longer contain the original molecule. The precise mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines on biological symptoms is still unexplained (5). For many, the lack of a scientific explanation for homeopathic treatments raises questions about its legitimacy (5,6,10,12,15). Some believe that complex interactions occur during dilutions that impart a ‘memory’ of the original substance to the water molecule (12,13). The ongoing debate over its mechanisms of action is beyond the scope of this article.

Clinical practice

The practice and scope of homeopathy are varied. Homeopathic medicines can be bought over the counter without any medical advice or, sometimes, with only the recommendations of a pharmacist (eg, camilia for teething). Homeopaths (who are rarely licensed physicians in Canada) may use varied approaches to treatment. One method is ‘classical’ homeopathy, where a long, detailed description of symptoms, often very different in scope to a traditional medical history, will result in the administration of a single remedy given in infrequent doses (6). ‘Clinical’ homeopathy uses combinations of remedies to treat variations of a clinical condition. Some practitioners may also use other devices, such as electronic instruments (6). Such variability in the methods of practising homeopathy is one of the reasons that trials involving homeopathy are difficult to conduct, analyze, compare and reproduce (16).

Regulation and safety of homeopathy

The Canadian Natural Health Products Directorate, a branch of Health Canada, deals with the concerns of stakeholders involved with homeopathy and aspects of its regulation (17). As of January 2004, approved homeopathic products receive a drug identification number (DIN-HM). The criteria for the regulation of these medicines can be accessed at the Health Canada Web site .

Properly prepared homeopathic medicines are generally considered to have few side effects because they are so dilute (13). For the same reason, they are unlikely to interact with conventional medicines. There is, however, a phenomenon described by homeopathic practitioners as ‘aggravation of symptoms’, whereby a small number of patients may have initial worsening of their symptoms for a few hours after taking the preparation (18). A review (18) of English-language articles retrieved from biomedical databases, homeopathic journals and symposia from 1970 to 1995 on adverse effects of homeopathic medicines and products was published in 2000. The authors found that the quality of information on adverse effects was poor and lacking in important details to assess causality. They concluded that there was a very small risk of toxicity of homeopathic medicines when compared with placebo (18). However, they noted that there are reservations to drawing that conclusion because the mode of assessment of adverse effects was not usually described. Homeopathic products (combinations of often-undiluted homeopathic medicines with herbal or other ingredients) have been shown to be potentially harmful.

One case report (19) of contact dermatitis (baboon syndrome) due to the ingestion of a homeopathic preparation of mercury was reported in Spain. A second report (20) of mercury intoxication requiring chelation therapy was reported in an infant treated for diaper dermatitis with homeopathic mercury. It is difficult to link possible adverse effects to homeopathic remedies because they are often obtained over the counter.

Although there are relatively few concerns with the safety of properly prepared homeopathic products, there are some issues with homeopathy’s belief system and its practitioners. In some cases, homeopaths do not refer children for conventional care, whereas in other situations, parents may delay seeking medical attention while awaiting results from homeopathy (8,21).

Another area of major concern is the negative attitude toward immunizations disseminated by some homeopathic practitioners. In Quebec, a study (22) found that 40% of nurses who administer vaccines agreed with the statement that homeopathy can eliminate the need to vaccinate. Another study (23) conducted in Germany among medically qualified homeopathic and non-homeopathic physicians showed that while classical vaccines, such as the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and poliomyelitis vaccines, are well accepted in both groups, others are less accepted by homeopathic physicians. A survey of 42 homeopaths in Massachusetts (21) discovered that only 35% recommended vaccinations and 9% actively opposed them. Several other surveys on the attitudes of homeopaths toward vaccination have reported similar results (24,25). In England, a study (26) found that homeopathy was the most common reason cited for parental nonadherence with immunization regimens.

Homeopathy use in children

How often is homeopathy used to treat childhood illness and conditions? A 1992 study (4) conducted in a paediatric ambulatory department in Montreal, Quebec, found that of the 11% who had used CAM, homeopathy ranked second in overall use. In a survey conducted in England (27), it was demonstrated that of the 18% of children who had used a complementary therapy, homeopathy was one of the most popular treatments for dermatological; ear, nose and throat; respiratory; and emotional disorders. In two British paediatric studies (28,29), 15% of children with asthma and 35% of children with atopic dermatitis who had tried CAM used homeopathy. In Norway, children are visiting homeopaths in ever increasing numbers: from 10% in 1985 to 25% in 1998 (30). A 1999 survey of Italian children (31) revealed that 7.7% had used homeopathy.

Efficacy of homeopathy

Overall, the quality of the clinical trials of homeopathy do not compare favourably with those of conventional medicine (32). Nonetheless, attempts have been made using meta-analyses of the available data to determine whether homeopathy is more effective than placebo. In 1991, Kleijnen et al (33) conducted a meta-analysis of 105 trials with analyzable results. They concluded that there was sufficient evidence to indicate a statistically positive result in favour of homeopathy, although many of the trials were of poor methodological quality. This result came with several important caveats and concerns, not the least of which was a call for larger, rigorous, double-blind studies.

The next meta-analysis done in 1997 by Linde et al (34) reviewed 89 trials that the authors judged acceptable. They concluded (using an OR) that it was unlikely that the clinical effects of homeopathy were completely due to the placebo effect. There was not enough evidence to conclude that homeopathy was effective for any specific condition. However, their method of choosing studies has been questioned, with some detecting a bias toward studies with positive results (35,36). Another meta-analysis by Linde and Melchart (37) compared individualized homeopathy with another treatment, placebo or no treatment. In the 19 trials that yielded sufficient data, homeopathy was significantly more effective than placebo. When the trials were restricted to those with the soundest methodology, no significant effect could be seen. Firm conclusions of general efficacy cannot be made due to the poor quality of the trials, the high attrition rates and the unknown role of publication bias (32,38-40).

Because of the inconclusive nature of the data thus far, the belief system of the individual will most likely influence the interpretation of the results – opponents of homeopathy are unlikely to be swayed by a tendency toward positive trials, whereas its adherents are more likely to be dismissive of negative results.

Homeopathic treatment of specific conditions in children

Table 1 summarizes homeopathic treatments in paediatric patients that have been reported in the literature. It provides information on the type of study, a brief description of the study, followed by treatment outcome and specific comments. While parents frequently use homeopathic remedies for colic and teething, no studies were found in the medical literature search on the use of these preparations for these conditions.


Homeopathy is a common form of CAM used to treat paediatric conditions. Based on the available evidence, adverse effects from properly prepared homeopathic medicines seem to be uncommon, although they may be under-reported. However, a major concern is the reluctance on the part of those who practice homeopathy to support vaccinations. As well, delays in seeking conventional medical therapies while waiting for results from homeopathic treatments may jeopardize the child’s health.

Questions about the use of homeopathy and other CAM therapies or products should be a routine part of the paediatric history, especially for children with chronic conditions. As with all CAM therapies, physicians should be prepared to respond to parents’ questions on homeopathy in an informed and nonjudgemental manner. There are only a few good studies (42,58,60) showing possible benefits of homeopathy when prescribed by trained practitioners for a selected number of specific conditions in children. Therefore, more rigorous studies showing efficacy need to be completed before it can be recommended as a credible complementary or alternative therapy for the paediatric population.

Acknowledgements: The Community Paediatrics Committee thanks their colleagues from the Drug Therapy and Hazardous Substances Committee for their feedback during the development of this statement.
Table 1
Homeopathic treatment of specific conditions in children
Condition Type of study Study description Results Comments References
Otitis media Observational trial Comparison of
homeopathic versus
conventional treatment No difference in pain,
recurrence or
tympanogram Poor study design 41
double- blind,
placebo- controlled
trial Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo No difference in treatment
failure, but fewer
symptoms in
homeopathy group Small sample size 42
controlled trial Comparison of
homeopathic versus
standard treatment No difference in hearing
loss or antibiotic use Small sample size 43
Uncontrolled trial Homeopathic treatment
only 72% achieved pain control
by 12 h 44
Pilot study Treatment with 10 different
homeopathic remedies Issues for a proper study
were defined 45

hypertrophy Randomized, double-
blind trial Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo No difference in need for
adenoidectomy 46

Asthma Randomized, double-
blind, placebo-
controlled trial Homeopathic and
conventional treatment
versus placebo and
conventional treatment No difference between
adjunctive homeopathic
treatment versus
placebo 47-52
Uncontrolled trial Individualized homeopathy No difference in forced
expiratory volume or
exhaled nitrous oxide Very small sample
size 53
Cochrane review Not enough evidence to
assess role of
homeopathy 54

Allergies Patient as own control Homeopathic with
conventional treatment Conventional medication
use decreased Many problems
with the study 55

Cold/flu Nonblinded trial Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo No decrease in symptoms
or need for antibiotics
or tonsillectomy/
adenoidectomy 56
Cochrane review
in prevention/
treatment of flu Homeopathic treatment
only Small reduction in
symptoms Review cannot
use of treatment 57

Diarrhea Randomized trial
(and meta-analysis
done by same
authors) Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo Significant decrease in
number of stools on day
3 and duration of
diarrhea Well-designed
studies 58-60
Meta-analysis Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo Positive effect of
homeopathy 61

Warts Randomized,
nonblinded trial Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo No difference between
groups Reference 64 is a
review of other
conditions 62-64

stomatitis Randomized, blinded
trial Comparison of
Traumeel (BHI Inc, USA)
versus placebo Statistically significant
difference favouring
homeopathy Multiple design
problems 65

agitation Nonrandomized,
nonblinded trial Comparison of
homeopathic treatment
versus placebo Homeopathy provided
greater relief Major
and reporting
flaws 66

ADHD Nonrandomized,
noncontrolled trial Treatment with
various homeopathic
remedies 75% of ADHD improved
with homeopathic
treatments Major
problems 67
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder



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Kainz JT, Kozel G, Haidvogl M, Smolle J. Homeopathic versus placebo therapy of children with warts on the hands: A randomized double-blind clinical trial. Dermatology 1996;193:318-20.

Labrecque M, Audet D, Latulippe LG, Drouin J. Homeopathic treatment of plantar warts. CMAJ 1992;146:1749-53.

Smolle J. Homeopathy in dermatology. Dermatol Ther 2003;16:93-7.

Oberbaum M, Yaniv I, Ben-Gal Y, et al. A randomized, controlled clinical trial of the homeopathic medication TRAUMEEL S in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in children undergoing stem cell transplantation. Cancer 2001;92:684-90.

Alibeu JP, Jobert J. [Aconite in homeopathic relief of post-operative pain and agitation in children] Pediatrie 1990;45:465-6.

Frei H, Thurneysen A. Treatment for hyperactive children: Homeopathy and methylphenidate compared in a family setting. Br Homeopath J 2001;90:183-8.

Community Paediatrics Committee (2004-2005)

Members: Drs Cecilia Baxter, Edmonton, Alberta (1998-2004); Mark Feldman, Toronto, Ontario; William James, Ottawa, Ontario (2002-2004); Mia Lang, Edmonton, Alberta; Denis Leduc, Montreal, Quebec (chair, 1998-2004); Cheryl Mutch, Burnaby, British Columbia; Michelle Ponti, London, Ontario (chair); Linda Spigelblatt, Montreal, Quebec; Sandra Woods, Val-d’Or, Quebec (1998-2004); David Wong, Summerside, Prince Edward Island (board representative)
Liaison: Dr Richard Haber, Montreal, Quebec (Community Paediatrics Section, Canadian Paediatric Society)
Principal author: Dr Linda Spigelblatt, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montreal, Quebec

Posted March 2005
Disclaimer: The recommendations in this position statement do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate. Internet addresses are current at time of publication.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lina B. Moreco’s documentary Shots in the Dark.

May 23rd, 2009 at 1:30 pm

Come see Access Natural Healing's Information Table featuring our Homeopathic Immunization Protocol (HIP) at the DOXA Documentary Film Festival:

We are sponsoring the film, "Shots in the Dark"by Director: Lina B. Moreco, Canada, 2008, 85 minutes

Saturday May 23 | 2:00 PM | Pacific Cinémathèque 1131 Howe Street, between Helmcken and Davie Streets.

The incidence of autism in the United States is currently estimated at 1 out of every 150 children. These staggering statistics are made flesh in director Lina B. Moreco’s documentary Shots in the Dark.

The recommended number of vaccinations for children has doubled in the last quarter century. Beginning at 12 hours of age and continuing throughout early childhood, most kids receive over 48 doses of 14 different vaccines before they reach age 6. Some of these vaccines contain mercury, aluminum, and other assorted neurotoxins. Parents who have experienced the repercussions of vaccinations reveal the true scope of the problem. "I wish I hadn’t listened to the doctor, who said you have to vaccinate your child," says the mother of twin boys, one whom developed severe autism after receiving his MMR shot (Measles Mumps Rubella). In addition to the families who have been affected by vaccine injury, pediatricians and researchers offer their own experiences. They reveal that many doctors have little knowledge about the potential side-effects of thimerosal (mercury), lead, and other additives in vaccines.

Monday, May 18, 2009

bringing homeopathy's healing medicines to the suffering in Africa

(NaturalNews) Homeopathic clinics in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and Ethiopia and Ghana are bringing homeopathy's healing medicines to the suffering in Africa. Treating malaria and AIDS, these clinic and others like them are staffed by selfless healers and are in need of our support. Over 23 million Africans are living with HIV/AIDS, including two millions new HIV infections recorded in 2007. In Tanzania, a person dies of malaria every three minutes. This is over 200, 000 deaths a year and this figure is growing.

Didi Ananda Ruchira began the Abha Light Foundation ( in 1998. Her work on treating acute malaria was presented at the 2008 International Meeting on Homeoprophylaxis in Cuba. She utilized the homeopathic remedy, Malaria officinalis, the Malaria nosode. Her healing regime also includes eating the inner skin of the grapefruit and drinking Neem tea or tincture, taken the Azadrachta indica tree. The Abha Light Foundation runs the Abha Light College of Natural Medicine as well as 20 health centers, 25 mobile clinics, five free HIV/AIDS clinics, and conducts workshops and seminars on natural medicine. They are the largest homeopathic pharmacy in Kenya, and they conduct research and development.

In Botswana, more than a third of the population is suspected to be infected with HIV or AIDS. Hilary Fairclough and Philippa Brewster founded the Maun Homeopathy Project to offer free homeopathic medical treatment. The clinic is located in northern Botswana and partners with other health clinics to offer treatment in several locations and in mobile clinics. The clinic volunteers serve three-month stints and help train the local Botswanians as homeopaths through apprenticeship and a distance-learning program based in Great Britain.

The Senya/Tamale Homeopathy Project in Ghana is a grassroots project founded by Adjoa Margaret Stack. A homeopathic practitioner in Oakland California, Adjoa treats many suffering with malaria in Ghana. As a Peace Corp volunteer to Ghana in 1983, Adjoa discovered her interest and destiny as a healer. After studying homeopathy, she decided to return to Ghana to share her skills and address the epidemic of malaria infecting that nation. Her first clinic was located in a friend's home, and a drum beat out the message to visit her clinic under almond trees in her friend's front yard. The first summer, she treated over 60 people. In 2008, she spent five months in Ghana and treated almost 300 patients. Her work is supported by private donations.

In one group of Tanzanian rural villages, populated by 175,000 people, up to 45% have AIDS. There are medical clinics stocked with equipment, but no doctors because no one will work in this rural area. Jeremy Sherr has set up three homeopathic clinics and is opening the Tanzanian School of Homeopathy along with Sigsbert Rwegasira, who has been a practicing homeopath in Tanzania for 17 years. His TIAM Project joined forces with Sherr's Homoeopathy for Health in Africa, and they plan to start a school shortly. The school will offer a three-year course in homeopathy as well as African Traditional Medicine. So far, Sherr and his team have treated over 250 patients. Jeremy has also set up sustainable food projects in the villages. The government of Tanzania has officially recognized homeopathy as a form of healing and are in support of this project.

Peter Chappell has been working in Ethiopia since 2001. From his experience, he prepared a unique approach to chronic disease. He has since developed remedies delivered via sound. His organization, the Amma Resonance Healing Foundation funds projects in Africa and around the world. His colleague, Harry van der Zee, MD, published a guide for treating infections diseases in developing countries, called the Amma4Africa Manual

Homeopathy shows great promise in treating disease worldwide. These clinics are pioneers in proving homeopathic medicine in areas desperate for healing.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Swine Flu Help with Homeopathy

The Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19 killed more people than any other outbreak of disease in history. It is estimated that between 50 and 100 million died from what was then known as "Spanish Flu". It most often killed those in the prime of life, and it killed with extraordinary swiftness, often causing great trauma to the lungs.

The events of the past week have given us cause for concern that there may be another pandemic flu on the horizon. The Swine Flu or H1-N1 as it is being named, has several important characteristics that validate this concern. First, it is a "novel" or new virus. In the world of epidemiology this means that it is a strain that the world has not been seen before and therefore people will not have had exposure to it in the past. This means that we do not have natural antibodies against this virus, no natural immunity. H1N1 refers to the specific genetic makeup of the virus. The Spanish Flu was also an H1N1 type A influenza virus. As of this writing, there have been many deaths in Mexico and many confirmed, but milder, cases here in the US just this past week. A usual seasonal flu in fact kills tens of thousands of people every year. Those that fall victim to usual or seasonal flu, however, are the elderly and the very young. A characteristic feature of a Pandemic is that it kills young, healthy adults in the prime of their life.

The feeling of most experts is that this will be the first of a few "waves" of this epidemic, just as what occurred during the Spanish Flu. The Spanish Flu actually began in early 1917 but did not appear at first to be very serious. No-one raised the alarm during those early months. The second most deadly wave began in late 1917 and killed most of its victims in 1918. Note the similarities to what we are seeing with this H1N1 Swine Flu. Most people are hearing that it is "mild." However, because it is novel and this is just the first wave, we must be hypervigilant and follow the epidemiology of this virus very closely.

Currently it looks as if this virus is sensitive to two main anti-viral agents (Tamiflu and Relenza). There is currently no vaccine and that would take many months to mass-produce. One of the greatest problems facing conventional medicine is the amount of time required to identify and manufacture drugs and vaccines capable of helping manage a deadly outbreak of flu. The virus may drift or change by the time a vaccine was made available, so this, too, must be closely monitored. Viruses mutate or change their form quickly and develop resistance to drugs and vaccines over time. Will this happen? All these are questions we must ask and trust the experts to monitor. So what can Americans learn from the Pandemic of 1918-19 that could guide us now? Were there any treatments that helped stem the tide of that killer?

A recent comprehensive epidemiological study of some 61,000 confirmed cases of Spanish Flu from 1918-19 by Canadian physician, Dr. Andre Saine, shows that patients treated with a form of medicine called homeopathy had death rates of 0.7 percent compared to death rates in the untreated and from conventional care of 30 percent or more. Is homeopathy something that we should be looking into and investigating as a possible source of prevention and cure for this H1N1 virus? If history is said to repeat itself, then the answer must be, yes. We owe it to the people we serve to investigate all possible treatments and cures, regardless of how popular they may or may not be to drug companies or within mainstream medicine. That is the way of science: to investigate without bias or prejudice and make objective decisions based on facts.

Homeopathy is a 200 year-old system of medicine based on a law of nature first discovered by Hippocrates and others. That law states that substances able to produce symptoms of disease can cure those symptoms in a sick person. In the US, the medicines used in homeopathy are produced in pharmacies under strict FDA regulations. They are non-toxic, gentle and inexpensive. It is also relatively easy to mass-produce these drugs in the event of a national crisis. The system itself is unlike any other system of medicine known to man. In fact, sophisticated new research released by the material science labs at Penn State University in 2006 and 2007 is just beginning to explain its extraordinary potential. There are hundreds of high quality, peer reviewed pre-clinical and clinical studies published in journals like Pediatrics, Rheumatology, Lancet, CHEST, and others showing that homeopathy works. Additionally, there is solid epidemiological data to suggest that homeopathy's success in 1918-19 was not an aberration. Reliable medical records from deadly epidemics throughout the 19th century of cholera, diphtheria, yellow fever, dengue fever, scarlet fever, typhoid, malaria and other infectious diseases repeatedly show that homeopathy was a very effective system for treating disease evidenced by mortality rates a small fraction of those seen in untreated as well conventionally treated patients. Homeopathy shines in the face of epidemics. That is what put homeopathy onto the map and began a system of healthcare that flourished here in the US, in Europe, and in India. Homeopathy is in fact experiencing a world-wide resurgence because it is effective in treating both chronic and epidemic disease. Few people know that the renowned Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia was in fact founded in honor of the father of homeopathy. Many medical schools and hospitals at the turn of the 20th century were homeopathic hospitals.

So the question is - could homeopathy help again? Could it help prevent the massive loss of life anticipated by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization from the next pandemic?

Epidemic disease tends to have a rather fixed nature. The symptoms of each individual epidemic are often fairly uniform across populations. Homeopathy uses a very particular technique for discovering the treatment and cure for epidemics. This approach is the same, regardless of the nature of the epidemic. Homeopaths gather the specifics of a number of human cases with the disease. The symptoms of each case will be carefully recorded with attention paid to distinguishing or unusual characteristics of each case (i.e., whether the cough is dry or wet, the specific nature of any pains, the side of the chest most effected, the conditions that make the symptoms better or worse, the nature and time of chills and fever, etc., etc.). It is these precise details gathered on a small representation of the affected population that tell us the remedy or remedies that will be most useful in the epidemic. Armed then with this information, homeopathic physicians will be able to identify a small number of medicines effective for treating the vast majority of cases in any full scale pandemic. A little known fact is that these same medicines can be used to PREVENT the illness as well. This is called "homeoprophylaxis."

Homeopathic medicine is very different. The homeopathic drugs needed for any outbreak of infectious disease are already available and can be manufactured quickly in quantities sufficient to treat very large numbers. The manufacturing process is sophisticated, but uncomplicated.

According to the CDC and the World Health Organization, millions are at risk of dying should a pandemic strike again. With the H1N1 Swine Flu, this reality now appears to be closer at hand. We must turn over any stone and investigate any system of medicine that has the potential to save lives. Homeopathy is such a system. Its proven track record must no longer be ignored. Its history is clear and we have the capability to treat masses of people infected or at risk of being infected by this Flu.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Help for Autism Awareness

Help for Autism Awareness. The Australian Vaccination Network steps up. There are choices. Make sure you are aware so that your decision-making feels empowered instead of guilt ridden or pressured.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Vincent Van Gogh’s homeopathic doctor, Paul Gachet

Gallery Gachet is a unique artistic institution founded in Vancouver in 1992. Named after Vincent Van Gogh’s homeopathic doctor, Paul Gachet.

Gallery Gachet strives to provide a focal point for dialogue amongst outsider/dissident artists.

We aim to use the canvas of the outside work to educate and demystify the public on issues related to mental health and to advance the artistic discourse around these issues.

We provide the artists informed by mental health issues with opportunities to exhibit, curate, perform, read, teach and to develop their leadership skills.

Located at 88 East Cordova Street, close to the diverse populations that reside in Vancouver’s neighborhoods.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Obama Sees Practical Role for Alternative Medicine in U.S. Healthcare

Obama Sees Practical Role for Alternative Medicine in U.S. Healthcare

2009-05-01 15:33:00

President Barack Obama expressed his openness to including complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in a U.S. healthcare system during an April 29 Town Hall meeting in Arnold, MO.

“We should do what works,” President Obama said. “I think it is pretty well documented through scientific studies that acupuncture, for example, can be very helpful in relieving certain things like migraines and other ailments—or at least as effective as more intrusive interventions.” The response followed a question posed by a licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist, who asked the president how alternative medicine would fit into his new healthcare system.

“I think one basic principle that we know is that the more we do on the prevention side, the more we can obtain serious savings down the road,” he added after commenting directly on acupuncture. President Obama also stressed the importance of changing the current logic of the healthcare system, which focuses only on reducing costs in the near-term.

“Reimbursement for healthcare provided by CAM practitioners not only would support the health of the public,” said Michael McGuffin, president of the American Herbal Products Association, Silver Spring, MD, “it represents a significant opportunity for products used and prescribed by CAM practitioners and a major step forward in the development of an innovative and wellness-based healthcare system.”

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Green party believes in the single payer system and health care

Leaders debate: Sterk promises provincial funding for homeopathy
By Charlie Smith

The B.C. Greens have always promoted a holistic approach to health care. And in today's leaders debate, Green Leader Jane Sterk promised provincial funding for homeopathy, which is not currently covered under the B.C. Health Plan.

More on the B.C. leaders debate

NDP's Carole James delivers a spellbinding performance in leaders debate

Jane Sterk offers fresh ideas on crime and prohibition

Gordon Campbell, Jane Sterk, and Carole James on the economy

Carole James whacks Gordon Campbell on seniors care

“The Green party believes in the single payer system and health care should be accessible to everyone in their community," Sterk said. "We would move to community-based care so we have multidisciplinary teams of people that would help people."

That would mean having "the appropriate professional" to deal with patients.

"It might be a nurse practitioner, an RN, a homeopath, a naturopath physician, and this would all be funded within the public health-care system on a prevention model," Sterk said. "We would adequately fund our acute and hospital-care system, but transition most of the money into prevention and health promotion so we keep people healthy. And the costs will go down over time.”

She didn't elaborate in the debate on whether or not the health authorities would employ homeopaths or if they would work on a fee-for-service system, which is how most physicians are paid in B.C.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu

Swine Flu Catches Fire - Homeopathy at Rescue
Fashion - Lifestyle - Entertainmenthophigher writes
The world is on alert as the swine flu pandemic fears grow. Doctors are advising people on how to avoid and combat the disease using homeopathy.

Dubai, UAE, May 4, 2009 (PRESSbooth.ORG) -- Swine flu has become one of the biggest health concerns even for the most developed nations including U.S and Europe. The epidemic has caught fire and is spreading rapidly to all areas. The situation is already quite alarming and WHO is in fear of an imminent pandemic and has indicated the risk at level five and is considering to raise it to six, the highest level.

People are strongly advised to take measures to prevent the epidemic spreading further. In areas like Mexico, where the number of swine flu cases are the highest, people have been advised not to step out for the next few days. Travel to Mexico has been restricted by various countries. After Mexico, U.S and Europe are the worst hit areas. Other reported areas include Netherlands, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Peru and Hong Kong. At least 168 people are believed to have died of swine flu in Mexico, the epicentre of the outbreak.

Health experts are advising people on how to prevent this problem and treat it in the best possible manner. Dr Sulaikha Hamza of Gulf Medical Centre, Dubai warns people to stay alert. She says, “Though no cases of swine flu have been recorded in the GCC so far, we must be fully prepared to deal with this virus, which is feared to spread across the globe. One must identify with the common symptoms of swine flu as it will help in diagnosing the problem at an early stage. The symptoms of H1N1 swine flu are similar to many other flu viruses. Fever and cough are two of the most common symptoms. Other symptoms include headache, chills, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue as well as throat irritation. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also occur."

A homeopathic doctor for more than two decades, Dr Sulaikha Hamza advises people to use homeopathy as an effective way to combat swine flu. She elaborates, “The current vaccine against the seasonal influenza strain H1N1 is highly unlikely to provide protection against this variant. In case preventive measures do not work or you are already dealing with swine influenza, homeopathic remedies can serve as an appropriate solution. There are numerous homeopathic medicines that can be very useful in this situation. The homeopathic remedies are selected in a highly individualized and non-routine manner based on the symptoms being experienced and hence the selection may vary from person to person. So, it is important to seek professional help from a homeopathic practitioner." However like many others, Dr Sulaikha Hamza feels that prevention is better than cure. You can treat swine flu but it is good if you take steps to prevent the problem in the first place. Your best protection against the disease comes from looking after your health generally and taking simple common-sense preventative measures.

There are a number of vitamin and mineral supplements and herbal remedies that help to boost the immune system. There are various things that you can do to prevent swine flu. Keep your nose and mouth covered when you sneeze. Wash your hands with an anti microbial soap each time you sneeze. Since influenza primarily spreads through human to human contact, it is advised to avoid contact with sick people as much as possible. Also try to stay at home if you are sick to ensure that you are not spreading the flu.

Don't get stressed by the fear of getting the swine flu. Stress can undermine your immune system. The flu doesn't kill everyone and in most cases may prove benign. Mild exercise, meditation or yoga and healthy nutritious diet can help keep your immune system in good condition and able to ward of any infections. Not every 'infection' becomes a full blown 'disease'. Most infections are taken care of by your body even before you know that you were infected. Most infections affect those people who are vitally deranged. So instead of panicking about the flu, stay calm and focus on becoming healthy 'you'.
Posted on Monday, May 04, 2009 @ 10:28:00 CDT by NewsDesk

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Body temperatures of 101-102 Degrees F cause virus to die. Fever is the body's natural way of eliminating viral disease. Aspirin reduces fever, allows virus to reproduce which results in death of the victim. This was not known in 1918.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Dean W. A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza treated by homeopathic physicians with a mortality of 1.05%, while the average old school mortality is 30%.

Thirty physicians in Connecticut responded to my request for data. They reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. In the transport service I had 81 cases on the way over. All recovered and were landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way.

~H. A. Roberts, MD, Derby, Connecticut.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


In a plant of 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines.

~Frank Wieland, MD, Chicago.

I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias was 2.1%. The salycilates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias.

~Dudley A. Williams, MD, Providence, Rhode Island.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Best of our Blog - Homeopathy, from January to April, 2009:

Best of our Blog - Homeopathy, from January to April, 2009:

Can Homeopathy Help in Epidemics?

Here are two of many stories to follow. Check our blog in the upcoming days for more success stories of Homeopaths working during the epidemics within our 200+ year old history.

In 1918:
Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%.

~E. F. Sappington, M. D., Philadelphia.

One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew anything better than what he was doing, because he was losing many cases. "Yes, Doctor, stop aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy, and get homeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied: "But that is homeopathy." "I know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost a single case."

~W. F. Edmundson, MD, Pittsburgh.

What made Dr. Isaac Golden interested in researching Homeopathic Immunization (aka HomeoProphylaxis)?

In his own words as seen on

Dr. Isaac – Before I knew what homeopathy was, I used to have my own children vaccinated. Then one was vaccine damaged after having progressively worse reactions to the standard 2, 4 and 6 month vaccines (which were given late). The doctors told me that it definitely didn’t have anything to do with the vaccines, but after the third round, and the worst reaction, I knew that I was not being told the truth.

I then began collecting information about vaccination. The material by the late Professor Robert Mendelsohn was about all that was available here at the time. They still are great references. So I decided to stop vaccinating my children.

Then, when I started studying homeopathy, and read that Hahnemann had used Belladonna to prevent Scarlet Fever (the first use of homeoprophylaxis), I knew I had to take this further. I collected the very few readily available references on this (mainly Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, and Sankaran’s little summary of homeoprophylaxis use). I designed a 5 year program that I and other parents could use instead of the orthodox vaccination schedules.

I kept studying our literature, and found that whilst there were a lot of clinical reports of the effectiveness of HP, there was very little formal research into safety and effectiveness. So I began collecting data from parents using my program, with a determination to eventually provide formal statistical evidence supporting HP as an option to vaccination. That was in 1985/6 – it has been a long journey until now!

What are the most significant findings of the research?

Dr. Isaac – There is so much that could be said, but I would say that the three most significant findings are:

(1) The consistency of measures of the effectiveness of HP [HomeoProphylaxis] over 200 years, both for long-term and short-term protection – at around 90%. This is a very strong figure, and very consistent with vaccine efficacy. My own data was collected from 1986 to 2004, and vetted by a Professor of Medicine and a medical epidemiologist during my Swinburne research. So it means we can offer people a safe alternative with a demonstrated effectiveness.
(2) Evaluation of the overall safety of long-term HP was an important new aspect of my Doctoral research at Swinburne University from 2000 to 2004, and the results were excellent. Some of my colleagues had quite reasonably questioned whether the use of my long-term program could cause any weakening of the Vital Force over time, and the data unambiguously said “no” to that question. It further showed that my long-term HP program was associated with an improvement in general well being– a result that pleased, but also surprised me to some extent.
(3) How damaging vaccination is over the long-term. Once again, the results are unambiguous, and are fully consistent with the very few long-term studies of the impact of vaccination on overall wellness. The fact that the orthodox community has done so little genuine research into long-term safety of vaccination is to their eternal discredit.

Why Choose Homeopathy For Your Child?
Many people find their way to homeopathy as a last resort.
The more conventional forms of medical treatment fail to give gentle, rapid, and permanent results.
People zigzag from practitioner to practitioner finding limited or short-term relief of increasingly chronic symptoms.
Prescriptions for the control of a bewildering array of side effects get piled, one on the other.
It’s a heart-wrenching scenario, played out all over North America.
It is even more tragic and frustrating when that victim is a child!
Whether struggling with a diagnosis of ADHD, allergies, autism, anxiety, depression, rage, or fears, all children have positive attributes just waiting to be accessed.
Rather than seeing the child as a checklist of negative behaviours, a professional homeopathic practitioner offers a non-judgmental attitude, which pervades the homeopathic consult and buoys up the parent, validating the suspicion that their child is only acting in this fashion because they must!
These children are not inherently bad.
A variety of factors are creating imbalances.
Homeopathy can penetrate to the deepest part of the child’s constitution.
Real and lasting changes can be effected gently.
An expanding pool of data is showing that for children, homeopathy shows the best results out of all the complementary health methods available.
Why delay until the situation has deteriorated, and your child’s self-esteem, as well as the family dynamic, has suffered?
Convenient appointment times are available especially for children.
Book a homeopathic consultation for your “Challenging Child” today.

"I saw Elena Cecchetto at Access Natural Healing for a really quick Walk-In Session because I had a sore throat and didn't want to come down with another cold. She gave me a Homeopathic Remedy after assessing what would help me. The next morning, I was completely better and back at work".

Historical Use of Homeopathy for Epidemics
· During a Poliomyelitis epidemic in Buenos Aires, practitioners (Homeopaths and Doctors) distributed the Homeopathic vaccination remedy Lathyrus sativus to over 40,000 people. Not one of them developed Polio during the epidemic despite exposure.

· Nurses and patients protected by Homeopathic Vaccination at the London Homeopathic Hospital remained disease free during a 3 year period in which they were regularly exposed to Diphtheria.

· Records from a Smallpox epidemic show that of 2806 individuals protected by Homeopathic Vaccination, 547 of them went on to have a known exposure to the disease. Of those, 97.5% remained disease free.


Cuba goes through a yearly cycle of Leptospirosis epidemic, especially after the hurricanes flood the countryside and water pollution reaches its height. (Leptospirosis: infectious disease caused by the spirochaete Leptospira transmitted to humans from rats, giving jaundice and kidney damage. Can cause death)

Annually the population is exposed to the disease, most especially after hurricanes.

Until Aug 2007, the Finlay Institute (a part of the Ministry of Public Health, Cuba) has been distributing its own allopathic Lepto vaccination. August is the height of the hurricane season. Annually, many are left homeless, flooded out and under the stress of disaster situation. There had been a sharp rise in the lepto epidemic.

The usual expectacy of infection even with allopathic vaccination would have been around a few thousands, with some deaths included.

Part of the reason for this is that the high cost of vaccination prevents putting but the most at-risk populations (ie children, pregnant women, elderly) on vaccination. The cost of such limited vaccination is about US $3,000.000.

But in Aug 2007, Finlay put approximately 2,500,000 people (2.5 million) in 2 provinces on homeopathic nosode prophylaxis at the cost of about only US $200,000. That figure represents the entire population of the 2 provinces. The Homeopathic Prophylaxis consisted of 2 single doses about 2 weeks apart.

But this time, within 2 weeks after Aug 2007, the infection rate literally dropped off the chart to ten infections only. Zero deaths from leptospirosis after Aug 2007. And in 2008, no deaths, infections less than 10 a month.

The Cuban team have simply followed what homeopaths know to work. And since they have no pharmaceutical multi-nationals to stop them, they were able to do it on a massive scale.

About Dra Heurgo, Dr. Bravo and the rest of the Cuban team. "Concita" as Dra Heurgo is lovingly known by the people of Cuba, is well known and loved as a woman who has done remarkable work to improve the health of the population.


I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homeopathy and none to the Scotch-Irish-American! -T.

~A. McCann, MD, Dayton, Ohio.

Three hundred and fifty cases and lost one, a neglected pneumonia that came to me after she had taken one hundred grains of aspirin in twenty-four hours.

~Cora Smith King, MD, Washington, DC