Friday, November 20, 2009

"In Homoeopathy, we have more than 20 medicines which can be taken based on different symptoms of fever in different stages.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses (DENV-1, -2, -3, and -4). Infection with one serotype of DENV provides immunity to that serotype for life, but provides no long-term immunity to other serotypes. Thus, a person can be infected as many as four times, once with each serotype.

Dengue viruses are transmitted from person to person by Aedes mosquitoes (most often Aedes aegypti) in the domestic environment.

Classic dengue fever, or "break bone fever," is characterized by acute onset of high fever 3–14 days after the bite of an infected mosquito.

Symptoms include

frontal headache,
retro-orbital pain,
hemorrhagic manifestations,
rash, and
low white blood cell count

The patient also may complain of anorexia and nausea.

Acute symptoms, when present, usually last about 1 week, but weakness, malaise, and anorexia may persist for several weeks.

Some patients with dengue fever go on to develop dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a severe and sometimes fatal form of the disease.

The diagnosis of dengue is usually made clinically. The classic picture is high fever with no localising source of infection, a petechial rash with thrombocytopenia and relative leukopenia – low platelet and white blood cell count.

One can get DENGUE FEVER ANTIBODY, IgM & IgG. This is a costly test. From Dr Lal Path Lab, it is costing nearly Rs. 1200.

• Drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.
• Antipyretics to control temperature. Children with dengue are at risk for febrile seizures during the febrile phase of illness.
• Avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory medications because they increase the risk of hemorrhage. People generally take Brufen or Combiflam tablets in such fever conditions, these are to be avoided.
• Get platelet counts.

There is no tested and approved vaccine for the dengue. Primary prevention of dengue is mosquito control.

"In Homoeopathy, we have more than 20 medicines which can be taken based on different symptoms of fever in different stages. I would suggest you to please consult your homeopathic physician or homeopathic consultant for appropriate selection of the homeopathic medicines for dengue fever" said by Dr. Anil Singhal, MD(Homeo), Visiting Faculty, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi, Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida.

Monday, November 16, 2009

States-pre-cancerous: homeopathy is the treatment of choice.

By Dr Guillermo Zamora

In U.S.A. more than a million people find each year that have some form of Cancer. According to estimates by the American Cancer Society, in 1998 there were for this causes some 564 000 deaths, equivalent to about 23% of total mortality.

Definition: Neoplasia literally means "new growth" and the new growth is the tumor. The term was first applied to tumor= swelling due to inflammation. Neoplasias can also result in swelling and due to lack of use, the meaning non-neoplastic of tumor expired long ago, so this term is now equivalent to neoplasia. Oncology is a word derived from Greek, oncos = Tumor. Cancer is the common designation of all malignancies. Although the ancient origins of the term are not known with certainty, probably derives from the Latin word for cangrejo (crab), cancer, because the tumor is "anything that adheres to grips with the same stubbornness that a crab.

In turn, neoplasias are divided into benign or malignant and are classified by histological or excised by the name of its discoverer.

From the viewpoint of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann classified cancer as a disease arising from the Psora. In paragraph 80 of the Organon is a special reference. Kindly, let me quote the entire paragraph

§ 80
Incalculably greater and more important than the two chronic miasms just named, however, is the chronic miasm of psora, which, while those two reveal their specific internal dyscrasia, the one by the venereal chancre, the other by the cauliflower-like growths, does also, after the completion of the internal infection of the whole organism, announce by a peculiar cutaneous eruption, sometimes consisting only of a few vesicles accompanied by intolerable voluptuous tickling itching (and a peculiar odor), the monstrous internal chronic miasm - the psora, the only real fundamental cause and producer of all the other numerous, I may say innumerable, forms of disease1, which, under the names of nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, mania, melancholia, imbecility, madness, epilepsy and convulsions of all sorts, softening of the bones (rachitis), scoliosis and cyphosis, caries, cancer, fungus nematodes, neoplasms, gout, haemorrhoids, jaundice, cyanosis, dropsy, amenorrhoea, haemorrhage from the stomach, nose, lungs, bladder and womb, of asthma and ulceration of the lungs, of impotence and barrenness, of megrim, deafness, cataract, amaurosis, urinary calculus, paralysis, defects of the senses and pains of thousands of kinds, etc., figure in systematic works on pathology as peculiar, independent diseases.

Thus, we can also see in Hahnemann´s book "Chronic Diseases” in the charpter of Latent Psora, the author includes cancer again within the internal Psora that is emerging from its latency state ... Please read carefully the footnote:

“These are some of the leading symptoms observed by me, which, if they are often repeated, or become constant, show that the internal Psora is coining forth from its latent state. They are at the same time the elements, from which (under unfavorable external conditions) the itch-malady, as it manifests itself, composes the illimitable number of chronic diseases, and with one man assumes the one form, with another another, according to the bodily constitution, defects in the education, habits, employment and external circumstances, as also modified by the various psychical and physical impressions. It thus unfolds into manifold forms of disease, with so many varieties, that they are by no means exhausted by the disease-symptoms enumerated in the pathology of the old school, and erroneously designated there as well-defined, constant and peculiar diseases. [*]”

“[*] They bear the following names: Scrofula, rickets, spina ventosa, atrophy, marasmus, consumption, pulmonary consumption, asthma, tabes mucosa, laryngeal phthisis, chronic catarrh, constant coryza, difficult dentition, worms and consequent diseases, dyspepsia, abdominal cramps, hypochondria, hysteria, dropsy, dropsy of the abdomen, dropsy of the ovaries, of the uterus, hydrocele, hydrocephalus, amenorrhœa, dysmenorrhœa, uterine hæmorrhages, hematemesis, hæmoptysis and hæmorrhages, vaginal hæmorrhages, dysuria, ischuria, enuresis, diabetes, catarrh of the bladder, hematuria, nephralgia, gravel of the kidneys, stricture of the urethra, stricture of the intestines, blind and running piles, fistula of the rectum, difficult stools, constipation, chronic diarrhœa, induration of the liver, jaundice, cyanosis, heart diseases, palpitation, spasms of the chest, dropsy of the chest, abortion, sterility, metromania, impotence, induration of the testicles, dwindling of the testicles, prolapsus uteri, inversion of the womb, inguinal, femoral and umbilical hernias, dislocations of the joints from an internal cause, curvature of the spine, chronic inflammations of the eyes, fistula lachrymalis, short-sightedness and long-sightedness, day blindness and night blindness, obscuration of the cornea, cataracts, glaucoma, amaurosis, deafness, deficient smell or taste, chronic one-sided headache, megrim, tic douloureux, tinea capitis, scab, crusta lactea, tetters (herpes), pimples, nettle-rash, encysted tumors, goitre, varices, aneurism, erysipelas, sarcomas, osteosarcoma, scirrhus, cancer of the lips, cheeks, breast, uterus, fungus nematodes, rheumatism, gout in the hips, knotty gout, podagra, apoplectic fits, swoons, vertigo, paralysis, contractions, tetanus, convulsions, epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, melancholy, insanity, imbecility, nervous debility, etc.”

Although not directly to the cancer, but referring to the Psora, Hahnemann says some factors that are contributing to its awakening (Psora), as the physical constitution of the patient, hereditary disposition, the number of errors in his/her education and habits, his/her lifestyle and diet, occupations, mental changes, his/her morality, etc. (see Paragraph 95, Latent Psora Charpter, "Chronic diseases")

In our times, to the growing number of allopathic drugs also would have to be considered as factors in the oncogenesis of certain tumors, such as certain antibiotics, steroids, immune suppressants, vaccines, to produce immunosuppression leaving the body at the mercy of certain tumors by example, Kaposi's sarcoma (associated with herpes zoster virus subtype 8), Cancer Uterine-Cervix (related with HPV) and that makes me to recall what James Tyler Kent said about it: -"Most doctors are going crazy about the bug and have been made a vice to say that this is the cause of the disease and think that these" young friends "are extremely dangerous." Also said:-"The bacteria are innocents colleagues and if carry diseases they carry the simple substance that causes the disease like an elephant would do it”. Any way, or medicines that have direct oncogenic effects to embryos or fetuses, and to patients. The truth is that Hahnemann also considered, the iatrogenic as generators of disease but not classifiable as miasmas.

Please see organon, Paragraph 74, last part:

74..."or even total destruction of certain parts, and develop faulty organic alterations here and there in the interior or the exterior (cripple the body internally or externally), in order to preserve the organism from complete destruction of the life by the ever-renewed, hostile assaults of such destructive forces."

Following, we will see, what is the homeopathic approach that could be applied to our patients with cancer. Applying these criteria, I have found that there is an equilibrium point to bring our patients through the safest road.

Personally I have adjusted, overall, to the Cancer management protocol established by the famous homeopath Dr. AU Ramakrishnan, as following, please read:

A. States-pre-cancerous: homeopathy is the treatment of choice. (Conventional medicine has little or nothing to offer)

B. "Cancer in very early stage: Only homeopathy.

C.-Bump small, operable, no glands, does not extend: Surgery followed by homeopathy.

D.- Bump-operable with lymph nodes that are also operable.

E- Operable primary lesion. The secondary in the glands and organs: Try homeopathy 3-4 weeks. If no success, radiotherapy followed by homeopathy.

F.-Stage 4: primary fixation with pressure effects on surrounding areas and secondary spread in the body: Homeopathy for palliation.

In the other hand, if i may, in the case of cancer, homeopaths should be cautious and be aware of the results that have been taken with allopathic medicines, for example: In the case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children, chemotherapy is 95% of success (complete “cure” or suppression) and it would be a great omission not to give this great opportunity to a child with this disease.

As for the technique to prescribe remedies I also agree with Dr. Rama regarding to alternate the remedy that has higher affinity for the organ affected with the background (or Deep) remedy. I've done, alternating weekly, and using the plus system (with potence 30 and 200 CH) of Dr. Rama, with great effectiveness to cure (if curable) and for terminal cancer pain palliation.

The following are the remedies that I have personally used in Cancer:

** Mammary gland (cancer, fribroadenomas, fibrocystic breast condition):

-Conium maculatum: In the nodular formations and indurations of glands, with stitches and smarting after contusions or bruises. The tumors are hard as stone and heavy to the touch.

-Silicea Terra: In infected tumors, which ooze toward the nipple in the left side.

-Scirrhinum (nosode): The patient of this remedy is chilly, have a strong desire for cold drinks, many fears and have the sinking feeling at the navel. Useful in glands and bumps that are hard as stone. (conium)

-Phytolacca Decandra: This remedy, the breasts are very hard, very swollen and painful. The pain may spread throughout the body.

** Astrocytoma Brain

-Plumbum metallicum and Iodatum, if the tumor is infected. The oidatums are excellent antiseptic and can be used for any infected tumor.

** Lung Cancer: (Terminal)

-Conium, Schirrinum

** Cancer of Larynx

-Arsenicum album: Used when the patient has high anxiety, anguish, agitation and prostration. In a hoarse voice, burning pain when speaking that improves with hot drinks.

-Causticum: Useful in patients with rawness (sore) and tingling in the throat. Loss of voice. Nodules on vocal cords.

** Hodgkin's lymphoma (Terminal)

-Arsenic Bromatum: The Bromides and halogens have been found useful in glands, mamma infections and other tissues such as lymph.

-Carbo-Animalis: Great remedy of tumors following a malignant progression. Cancer affects lymph and glands. Tumors as well as stone harden. The skin becomes ulcerated.

-Condurango: Cancer that invades the nose, lips or tongue. Neoplastic infiltration invading the gastrointestinal mucosa.

** Leukemia: (Terminal)

-Phosphorus: In patients with great fear, blood, with readiness for weight loss and anemia.

-China-Ferrum phosphorica and Arsenic: Assist in the fever and musculoskeletal pain.

-Crotalus Horridus: Patient with jaundice, ecchymotic areas on the skin, bleeding from all orifices

** Osteosarcomna:

-Hekla Lava: Great affinity for bone, bone prominences, acts with effectiveness.

** Liver Cancer (Terminal)


-Hydrastis Canadensis: The symptom is subjective, is the "sinking feeling, weakness and languor of the stomach”, even not directly to the liver, but significantly improved constipation caused by metastases.

** Prostate:

-Thuja Occ: Particularly useful in cases of benign hypertrophy, includes symptoms such as: Bifurcation in the urine stream, pressing and tenesmus during urination, thin urine stream.

Conium: I found this very effective drug when PSA levels are high.

**Uterine myoma:

Calcarea Fluorica and Aurum. Mur. Nat. Although often through repertorization I have found marking to Silicea Terra.

** Medicines for pain palliation:

Arsenicum Bromatum, Radium Bromatum, Magnesia phosphórica, Plumbum Iodatum, Opium, Aconitum.

** Radio and Chemo Therapy:

Radium Bromatum: To all my patients receiving radiotherapy, I have given a few doses of this medicine for dryness, burning and itching.

It is very important to remember that our work is not only healing but also prevent, and of course, improve the quality of life of our terminally ill patients. It is very famous the great ability of homeopathy to alleviate cancer pain.


1.“Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics”, Dr. E.B. Nash; 4th edition, 1913, Editorial “El Ateneo”
2. EIZAYAGA, Francisco Xavier. - El moderno repertorio de Kent. Buenos Aires: Marecel, 1979/91.885p
3. VIJNOVSKI, Bernardo. Tratado de materia médica homeopática. Buenos Aires , 1978/92. 3v.
4. Organon de la Medicina, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, tercera edición, Editorial Porrua.
5. Las Enfermedades Crónicas y Su Peculiar Naturaleza y su Curación Homeopática, Del Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Traducido por el Dr. José Antonio Ugartechea G.
6. Filosofía de la homeopatía, James Tyler Kent.
7.-Conferencias Magistrales Presentadas Por Los Laboratorios Homeopáticos “Hasler”
8.-Patología Estructural y Funcional, de Robbins, Sexta edición, Editorial Mc Graw Hill.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

National Center of Homeopathy:

Historical data on Homeopathic treatment on flu epidemics: Taken from National Center of Homeopathy:

Perhaps the most recent use of homeopathy in a major epidemic was during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. The Journal of the American Institute for Homeopathy, May, 1921, had a long article about the use of homeopathy in the flu epidemic. Dr. T A McCann, from Dayton, Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%. This last figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia (Hahnemann College) who collected 26,795 cases of flu treated with homeopathy with the above result.

The most common remedy used was Gelsemium, with occasional cases needing Bryonia and Eupatorium reported. Dr. Herbert A. Roberts from Derby, CT, said that 30 physicians in Connecticut responded to his request for data. They reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. Dr. Roberts was working as a physician on a troop ship during WWI. He had 81 cases of flu on the way over to Europe. He reported, “All recovered and were landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way.”

Please be aware that a natural approach exists to flu prevention and treatment. Here are some ideas for boosting your immune system and avoiding some common problems associated with fall/winter illness:

Avoid mucous producing foods (sinusitis, asthma, flu, bronchitis, ear infections, etc.), such as milk and cheese, beef and pork, wheat, bananas, refined sugar and corn oil. Use more of beans, peas, chicken(dark part), rye, spelt, buckwheat millet, apples, pears, molasses, olive oil, sesame oil, and spices (turmeric, cumin and garlic). Apples, pears and raw vegetables actually help to reduce mucus.

Vitamin C helps stimulate your natural killer cells that mop us viruses. Vitamin A also has “anti-viral” activity and Zinc has a reputation for healing “colds”. Making and drinking a pitcher of freshly juiced vegetable and/or fruit juice every day gives you the antioxidants you need to help boost your immune system. Taking large doses of Vitamin C (up to 10,000mg daily, as your body tolerates) can boost the immune system.

Echinacea - take a dose or two when you feel that cold or flu just coming on. Add Goldenseal to it if the mucous turns from clear to yellow. Rosemarin supplements, Echinacea angustifolia tincture (5 drops in water, 3 times daily during infection, or 1 time daily for up to 2 weeks to help boost immune system then take 1-2 week break), Astragalus and certain other medicinal herbs, and Oscillococcinum (standard protocol for administration is 3 doses daily for three days) are likely to confer some protection as well. Ginger, taken as a tea, will warm up your innards. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties-add it to your food.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

CBC News - British Columbia - Some seek alternative swine flu therapies

Access Natural Healing's Homeoprophylaxis Protocol is on CBC News. Oct. 30th, 2009. Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccines.

How to provide Immunity to this season's Flu, Naturally:

CBC News - British Columbia - Some seek alternative swine flu therapies

Please add your comments on CBC News page.
Thank you.
From, Your Wellness Team
at Access Natural Healing
Where Homeopathy Heals, Naturally
With Vancouver's Five Best Homeopaths

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People say vaccines "cured" polio. How do you respond to this?

People say vaccines "cured" polio. How do you respond to this?

the dramatic decrease in polio infection statistics after the introduction of the vaccine has a lot to do with the change in the criteria for diagnosing polio.
Prior to 1954, a physician's diagnosis of paralytic polio was confirmed if paralysis was found in 2 examinations done at least 24 hours apart.
In 1955, the criteria was changed so that there had to be paralysis found 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset for there to be a diagnosis of paralytic polio. So what happened to the paralytic diseases that did not last that long? Two new disease diagnoses now exist to distinguish them from paralytic polio: Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis, which were likely lumped in with it before.

One can see from this that there would have been a sharp decrease in polio cases even without the introduction of a vaccine.

Ming Dinh BScOT, DCH

Monday, October 19, 2009

I recently found evidence that peanut allergies may be due to substances such as peanut oil added as adjuvants to vaccines. Could you comment on this

Questions from Access Natural Healing's "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation:

I recently found evidence that peanut allergies may be due to substances such as peanut oil added as adjuvants to vaccines. Could you comment on this?

Vaccine manufacturers have many ingredients that they do not list on the package, because they are considered a proprietary trade secret. These ingredients may include peanut oil, sesame oil, and other food oils. The refining of these oils can leave trace amounts of proteins in them which would be injected into the bloodstream. The same goes for the medium in which the viruses that are injected are grown (eggs, in the case of the H1N1 flu vaccine) - the risk is of introducing, via injection, animal or plant proteins into the bloodstream.

Normally, exposure to these proteins happens in the digestive system. The body is programmed for this and the proteins are digested. These proteins never make it to the bloodstream in their undigested form. When they are injected as a vaccine ingredient however, trouble can happen.

What happens next, is that the immune system can recognize and label these proteins as "foreign" and develop antibodies to them (remember that the adjuvants in the vaccine are there to trigger as big and as prolonged an immune response as possible, in an attempt to manufacture antibodies to the virus particles being injected). Once you have antibodies to a food protein, like peanut protein for instance, every new exposure to the protein - like when eating peanuts - can trigger an immune response, which would be labeled an allergic response. These allergic responses can range from mild to severe, with tragic consequences.

Ming Dinh BScOT, DCH

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Does Access Natural Healing offer homeopathic immunization protocols for adults?

Yes. Adults that are looking for a homeopathic immunization alternative to vaccination for something like Hepatitis can consider the homeopathic option. We also offer homeopathic immunization protocols for travelers.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

How is “The Law of Similars” or “Like Cures Like” evident in a child not suffering the disease?

The homeopathic immunization seems to imprint a message on the immune system that reduces or removes any susceptibility to the targeted disease.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Does the homeopathic immunization protocol utilize live viruses and can this protocol make the recipient ill?

Homeopathy is based on The Law of Similars, which holds that a substance that causes a healthy person to get a certain set of symptoms may treat an ailment that matches that symptom picture.
The homeopathic substances used in the homeopathic immunization protocols are chosen to match the symptoms of the disease being targeted. As these substances are prepared homeopathically, that is they are serially diluted then succussed, there is no necessity to be working with live viruses of any sort.
It is possible for someone undergoing homeopathic immunization protocols to experience a mild reaction to one of the remedies administered but this is not undesirable and is in no way an instance of “becoming ill”.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Can homeopathy reverse negative side effects or hidden problems from vaccines or offer a “detox” to immunization shots?

Many side effects can be ameliorated through an individualized homeopathic prescription based on the examination of the sufferer’s unique symptoms. Detoxification can also be achieved gently and thoroughly through a well-chosen homeopathic remedy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

What factors have caused the dramatic and sustained drop in mortality of previously common infectious diseases?

Many factors are involved. One is co-evolution. As humans we do adapt to pathogens in our environments and we get less ill from them. Another factor is modern improvements in sanitation. Improvements in nutrition have also had a profound effect on supporting the immune system.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Is there an over-the-counter homeopathic remedy for Flu?

Yes. Access Natural Healing has Flu Prevention Packets available. Drop by to pick up your packet. This year’s version has a supply to get you through the 2009-2010 Flu Season for just $10.00.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Is a child that has been immune compromised a candidate for the homeopathic immunization protocol?

Yes. In fact homeopathy may be one of the most effective options to repair any damage or compromise resulting from an assault to the immune system as homeopathy seeks an individualized and holistic approach to the situation. The homeopathic immunization protocol could proceed once the immune compromise was investigated and corrected homeopathically.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Questions and Answers to our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" event hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Questions and Answers to our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" event hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

What age should children start the homeopathic immunization protocol?

We don’t really have an age we suggest as it is up to the parent to decide but a factor is that the child’s immune system is well-developed by 6 years of age and should be adequate for the task of preventing and or /coping with diseases it encounters.

A homeopathic consultation would be the first step in determining whether any homeopathic treatment is appropriate prior to starting the homeopathic immunization protocol.

By Allyson Burden DCH, NES (cert), CCH

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

Shared via AddThis

a homeopathic immunization protocol for pets?

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Is there a homeopathic immunization protocol for pets?

Yes. We recommend that folks looking for care for their animal companions contact
Julie Anne Lee or Twyla Brooks at The Healing Place Veterinary Clinic in North Vancouver BC (604) 983-0987.

By Allyson Burden DCH, NES (cert), CCH

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An unpublished scientific study is raising questions about whether getting a seasonal flu shot raises the risk of contracting H1N1

By: News Staff

Date: Wed. Sep. 23 2009 10:08 PM ET

An unpublished scientific study is raising questions about whether getting a seasonal flu shot raises the risk of contracting H1N1, but the evidence is unconfirmed and few have actually read the report.

"It appears to be that for people who got seasonal influenza vaccine last year, they were at greater risk of getting H1N1 disease this year," Dr. Donald Low, an infectious diseases expert at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital, told CTV News.

The study is based on research in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Health organizations around the world are watching the results carefully, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

"It is difficult to speak about a study that has yet to be published, however, as this is an important issue involving the subject of seasonal influenza and the fast-moving global pandemic of 2009 H1N1 influenza it is important to note the scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have not seen this effect in systems we have reviewed in the United States," spokesperson Joe Quimby told The Canadian Press in an email.

The study is still being peer reviewed in an unnamed journal, and it's not clear when it will be published.

It could change how health officials in Canada and around the world plan their responses to a potential swine flu outbreak.

Need for seasonal flu shot questioned

As it stands, it appears that swine flu will likely "crowd out" all other flu viruses this fall, meaning Canadians are more likely to get the H1N1 virus. As such, some health officials wonder if a seasonal flu shot is still necessary.

Is it realistic, they say, to expect Canadians to head to flu clinics twice for two different vaccines, one for seasonal flu and one for swine flu? Young children might even be recommended to get four flu shots, since children usually need two flu vaccinations given a few weeks apart, to give their immature immune systems full protection. This year, they'd need to double up twice.

However, Ontario health officials tell CTV News that the province will provide a seasonal flu vaccination in the next few weeks for anyone aged 65 or older. An announcement is expected Thursday.

Officials also say they will provide H1N1 shots for high-risk groups -- including pregnant women, children and health workers -- in November. Then, the rest of Ontario's population can be vaccinated.

In Quebec, health officials say they're putting the seasonal flu shot program on standby.

"For the moment, it's on hold," said Karine White, a media relations liaison with the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Quebec told The Canadian Press.

Delaying the seasonal flu shot program would allow health workers to concentrate on getting swine flu vaccine into the arms of those who most at risk of complications from swine flu.

Another option would be a more limited seasonal flu shot campaign, one that would target seniors and those with weakened immune systems, who are traditionally at highest risk of seasonal flu, but allow younger Canadians to skip it.

A third option would be to scrap the seasonal flu program altogether.

"All that is being studied now. But it should be decided rapidly," White told the Montreal Gazette.

She added that the decision will affect all Canadians: "It's not like Quebec won't vaccinate and Ontario will. It will be a pan-Canadian decision."

Provincial plans

Most provinces had planned to go ahead with their seasonal flu vaccination programs this October, as scheduled. Swine flu vaccination programs likely wouldn't begin until mid-November, the earliest that the vaccine manufacturer will have it ready, tested and approved.

But infectious disease expert Dr. Neil Rau wonders whether having two vaccine programs will confuse patients, who might wonder about which shot they need and which shots they've already gotten. He says holding off on seasonal flu vaccines might be the best way to go.

"I think the people in Quebec are making a good decision because if you start going after seasonal and swine flu all at once, you end up giving -- especially kids -- a huge number of needles," Rau told CTV News Channel Wednesday.

"I have a feeling that all of Canada is going to go this way and maybe other countries will do the same."

Meanwhile, there are still worries that the swine flu vaccination program won't be effective, since the vaccine is expected to arrive at clinics and doctors' offices after the flu's long-discussed "second wave" has already peaked. Swine flu activity is already picking up again in the southern United States and parts of Canada, including Vancouver Island.

And, it's still not certain whether seasonal flu viruses will continue to be "crowded out" by swine flu. While World Health Organization laboratories report they are not receiving many reports of seasonal flu infections, it may be too soon to say whether that will remain the case.

The dilemma of whether to advise Canadians to get two flu shots will likely take care of itself by next year. Flu experts who advise the World Health Organization are now urging vaccine manufacturers in the Southern Hemisphere to drop one of the older strains of flu from the seasonal flu vaccine for next year's winter, to include the new swine flu pandemic H1N1 strain.

Manufacturers in the Northern Hemisphere would likely follow suit, depending on the flu activity by then.

With a report by CTV's Graham Richardson

Monday, September 28, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:


Is there an oral vaccine alternative to the Gardasil Vaccine?


No, there is no specific Homeopathic Remedy that can function like the Gardasil Vaccine because the focus of this vaccine is to target cervical cancer.

Homeopathically, the best way to address cervical cancer or the potential for cervical cancer is by getting 'Constitutional' treatment which is what Classical Homeopaths do best. This entails using homeopathic remedies specifically prescribed for the individual according to the many details about the person and their health that the Homeopath will ask about during the first consultation.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Use of the remedy Influenzinum as a flu preventive was 90% effective in a French survey.

Use of the remedy Influenzinum as a flu preventive was 90% effective in a French survey.

Excerpt from FLU: Alternative Treatments and Prevention
by Randall Neustaedter OMD, North Atlantic Books, 2005

In 1998 the French Society of Homeopathy conducted a survey of 23 homeopathic doctors concerning their use of Influenzinum as a flu preventive (Coulamy, 1998). The survey included use of Influenzinum over a 10 year period (1987-1998) in 453 patients. The protocol for the frequency of doses varied considerably among these doctors. Weekly doses were used by 26 percent of participants and monthly dosage by 23 percent. Another 16 percent used a weekly then monthly dosage plan, and 35 percent applied some other dosage protocol. 80 percent of respondents began treatment in the fall (September through November) and ended between February and April. In this French survey 70 percent of participants used a 9C strength of Influenzinum. (In the US one would assume a higher proportion of practitioners use a higher strength because of the different prescribing preferences between the two countries.)

Results of the survey were remarkable. In approximately 90 percent of the cases no instances of the flu occurred when Influenzinum was used preventively no matter what the dosage protocol. Among the physicians the effectiveness was deemed good to very good in 90 percent of the cases. In 5 percent there was no protective effect. Of the patients, 98 percent expressed a desire to take the same preventive treatment the following year. Certainly this confidence in homeopathic prevention among physicians with many years of experience and their patients speaks to the effectiveness of Influenzinum as a flu preventive. It should be noted that a clinical study that approaches statistical significance evaluating the preventive effects of any homeopathic preparation would probably be prohibitively expensive.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

symptoms were obtained directly from a significant number of H1N1 confirmed infected patients, homeopathic medicine can be used

Since the outbreak of H1N1, all national and international health organizations, governments and the worldwide population have been concerned about the progress of this disease. We all know that homeopathy offers a good alternative to the standard treatments by university medicine. The LMHI gathered the already documented experience of our Mexican colleagues in the treatment of H1N1 and wants to disseminate this information. In this way The LMHI fulfills its mission to participate actively in maintaining and improving the health of human beings. With this first bulletin on H1N1, LMHI wishes to contribute to the application of homeopathic medicines in this pandemic.

Dra. Patricia Carballo Quiroz / Dr. Ana Maria Carballo Quiroz / Dra Rosario Sanchez Caballero / Dra A. Elena Rodriguez / Dr. Antonio Sanchez Caballero Dr. Antonio Sanchez Carballo / Dr. Jaime Andrade / Dr. Fernando Dominguez Vello / Dr. Fernando Francois Flores / Dr. Corrado G. Bruno / Dr. José Matuk Kanan / Dr. Ulrich D. Fischer

Special thanks to Dr. Sandra M Chase, MD, DHT

Since the outbreak of H1N1, all national and international health organizations, governments and the worldwide population have been concerned about the progress of this disease. We all know that homeopathy offers a good alternative to the standard treatments by university medicine. The LMHI gathered the already documented experience of our Mexican colleagues in the treatment of H1N1 and wants to disseminate this information. In this way The LMHI fulfills its mission to participate actively in maintaining and improving the health of human beings. With this first bulletin on H1N1, LMHI wishes to contribute to the application of homeopathic medicines in this pandemic.

Best wishes
Dr.Corrado Bruno Dr.José Matuk Past-President LMHI Prime Vice President LMHI LIGA MEDICORUM

The H1N1 flu is a respiratory infection caused by a strain of influenza virus of the type A, which normally causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. The disease affects pigs almost exclusively, however, a new strain of virus, derived, in part from the human influenza virus, and, in part, from the pig influenza virus, has been demonstrated to be transmissible to humans and, worse, from human being to human being. Another concern that has arisen is the serious form of disease and, because of the high mortality rate of this strain of virus and of its capacity to be transmitted between humans, there is the concern that the H1N1 flu could become a global pandemic.

The H1N1 flu epidemic has spread rapidly in the past weeks. The World Health Organization increased the level of global pandemic alert from level 4 to level 5, which means that, even if the majority of the countries has not been affected yet, there are strong signs that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to organize a contingency plan is short. The increase in alert level indicates that the probability of an emergence of a global H1N1 influenza pandemic has grown during the last weeks. It should be noted that there are reports of cases of influenza caused by other viruses which are not the H1N1. They must be distinguished from the epidemic of human influenza as they present different behaviors. The human influenza has a sudden appearance that evolves more quickly toward pneumonia, with severe attack on the general state of the patient. On a parallel level, there are many cases that do not correspond to human influenza, or to seasonal influenza. They represent rather common colds that have no connection with influenza. At present the homeopathic colleagues of Mexico have been able to identify indirectly, by the written reports of doctors in hospitals, the following symptoms:

•Proceeded by 40% great chills
•Persistent fever between 38.5 °C (101.3°F) to 39.4 °C (102.9°F) accompanied by fresh diaphoresis on the back, face and neck
•Generalized weakness, adynamia without extreme prostration
•Profuse sweating during fever
•Sore throat
•Pain by intake of solid initially and then even liquids
•Scarce cough
•Non painful
•In attacks
•Constant arthralgias in the hands, elbows and shoulders at the febrile peak
•Cold Applications amel
•Retroocular headache or eyeballs pain ("My eyes hurt")
•With rest amel
•Occipital and neck headache aggravated by being raised on a pillow
•Some patients with occipital pain of throbbing type

•Pneumonia with infiltrated interstitial or multiple pockets
•Productive cough with yellowish expectoration
Between 48 and 72 hours the medical situation has developed or has become complicated. The symptoms are vague and have limited clinic homeopathy application, but, as the symptoms were obtained directly from a significant number of H1N1 confirmed infected patients, homeopathic medicine can be used. Influenza ranks among the category of respiratory diseases, but, in reality, the whole body is disrupted when the person gets sick. In short, people affected are often very sick and are suffering from all or some of the symptoms:

•High fever.
•Clear nasal discharge.
•Cough, often becoming severe.
•Severe aches and pains.
•Fatigue for several weeks.
•Sometimes sore throat.
•Extreme exhaustion.
•Fever and pain throughout the body generally last from three to five days, but the cough and fatigue can last for two weeks or more.
•Mexican fever may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Diagnostic Guides
Until now the guidelines that have been given to define a case of Mexican influenza (case definition / swine flu) by CDC (Influenza like/illness ILI) are as follows:

•A confirmed case of influenza A H1NI defines a person with an acute breathing illness with laboratory confirmation of the A H1N1 influenza virus through the following laboratory diagnosis:
1. PCR/RT in real time
2. Viral Culture
•A probable case of infection by influenza A H1NI defines a person with influenza type symptoms
1. Positive for influenza A, but negative for H1 or H3 influenza by PCR/RT
•A suspected case of influenza A defines people who do not meet the criteria at the top and have H1NI negative tests:
1. Healthy person, under the age of 65 years, hospitalized with symptoms similar to the influenza.
2. Lives in a state (country) where no cases of influenza have been confirmed, but has traveled to a state (country) where there are one or more probable cases.
3. Has been in contact in the last 7 days with a person with similar symptoms to the influenza (ILI).

Homeopathic Medicines
Homeopathic medical treatment is individual, but in the face of an epidemic, we can obtain groups of drugs characterized by the peculiarities of the symptoms of the sick.

For this specific epidemic, we have obtained the following remedies for the symptoms found in different patients.

The symptoms listed above are the common symptoms of the disease that, for the homeopathic doctor, serve to show whether or not it is Influenza. However, they are not useful for the prescription of homeopathic medicines. The pattern and the individuality of the symptoms of each patient are what determine the prescription of a homeopathic remedy. We have listed the symptoms for which these remedies have been indicated, without determining an epidemic genius.

The drugs mostly indicated for this epidemic given by homeopathic Mexican doctors are the following:

Aconitum n.

1. Fear will die because of the disease
2. Red Throat
3. Onset of the symptoms after exposure to cold
4. Harsh beginning
5. The symptoms appeared suddenly
6. Red Congested face
7. Muscle aches and pains

Belladona a.
1. Red teary eyes
2. Red flushed face
4. High fever - greater than 39oC (102.2°F).
5. Acute inflammation of the throat
6. Throbbing Pain while coughing
7. Severe headache
8. Violent pulsations caused by the headache
9. Red face. Brilliant and Injected Eyes
10. Cannot stand the least light or noise

Bryonia Alba
1. Begins with sudden head pains
2. Worsened by body movement
3. Painful cough
4. Fever with chills.
5. Intense back and leg pain
6. Aggravated by the least movement, improved by rest
7. Extreme thirst for large amounts of liquid
8. Cold, red throat
9. Limb pain while walking.
10. Dryness of mucous

Arsenicum Album
1. Begins with arduous throat pain
2. Improvement by consuming hot drinks
3. Widespread cold, feels cold
4. He covers himself too much
5. Feels prostrated, tired, exhausted
6. Violent vomiting, and has frequent, but scanty diarrhea
7. Thinks will die
8. Burning evacuation
9. Cough after drinking
10. Agitated and anxious
11. Does not want to be alone

Eupatorum Perfoliatum
1. Fever that starts with chills, shivering and shaking
2. Back pain
3. Continued fever, with intense and insatiable thirst
4. Bone pain, as if they had been beaten
5. Back pain, as if it were broken
6. Snoring
7. Painful cough, aggravates the chest when coughing
8. Great pain of muscles and bones
9. Feels as if the back were dislocated
10. Congested face during fever
11. The sweating improves all the symptoms, except the headache

Mercurius Vivus
1. Begins with hoarseness and aphony
2. Catarrh, running nose, burning.
3. Sore throat as if it were raw meat
4. Dry cough, spasmodic
5. Fever with night sweats that do not improve
6. Constant thirst
7. Indented tongue
8. Halitosis
9. Very wary
10 Bone Pain

1. Has a fever chill
2. Hand trembles
3. Abundant perspiration
4. Downcast
5. Intense muscle aches, with leg pain
6. Remains immobile in bed
7. Face congestion
8. Injected Eyes, sore throat
9. Dry cough, rapid pulse
10. Despite the fever, has no thirst
11. Depression and pain

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Scientific Proof How Homeopathic Remedies Work:

Scientific Proof How Homeopathic Remedies Work:

Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures
Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences

Professor Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his co-discovery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

He and his team of researchers have been doing rigorous experiments using homeopathically prepared biological substances. They have conclusively shown that homeopathically prepared biological substances give off electromagnetic waves and therefore have effects.

The researchers also noted that one experiment found significant effects from dilutions as high as 10(-18) (equivalent to 18X). The EM signature changed with dilution levels but was unaffected by the initial concentration and remained even after the remaining DNA fragments were destroyed by chemical agents. Of additional interest was the researchers’ observation that they observed the SAME results whether their initial concentration of cells were just 10 or 10(9)(this is 10 to the 9th power = 10,000,000,000 cells).

The researchers also quote Italian physicist, E. Del Guidice for positing that water molecules can form long polymers of dipoles associated by hydrogen bonds and that electromagnetic radiations that they emit enable them to avoid decay.
Click here to download the pdf

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Alternative Medicine Cabinet: Arnica for Pain Relief

September 17, 2009, 11:52 am
The Alternative Medicine Cabinet: Arnica for Pain Relief
By Anahad O'Connor
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times What alternative remedies belong in your home medicine cabinet?

More than a third of American adults use some form of complementary or alternative medicine, according to a recent government report. Natural remedies have an obvious appeal, but how do you know which ones to choose and whether the claims are backed by science? Today, New York Times “Really?” columnist Anahad O’Connor begins a weekly series exploring the claims and the science behind alternative remedies that you may want to consider for your family medicine cabinet.

The Remedy: Arnica

The Claim: It relieves pain.

The Science: Arnica Montana, a plant native to mountainous areas of Europe and North America, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of pain. Athletes rub it on muscles to soothe soreness and strains, and arthritis sufferers rub it on joints to reduce pain and swelling. It’s believed that the plant contains derivatives of thymol, which seems to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Either way, scientists have found good evidence that it works. One randomized study published in 2007 looked at 204 people with osteoarthritis in their hands and found that an arnica gel preparation worked just as well as daily ibuprofen, and with minimal side effects. Another study of 79 people with arthritis of the knee found that when patients used arnica gel twice daily for three to six weeks, they experienced significant reductions in pain and stiffness and had improved function. Only one person experienced an allergic reaction.

The Risks: Arnica gels or creams can cause allergic reactions in some people, but it is generally safe when used topically. However, it should never be rubbed on broken or damaged skin, and it should only be ingested when in a heavily diluted, homeopathic form.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Insight into Reiki:

When unexpressed or blocked feelings become physicalized as tension within the body, a chronic condition may occur if free expression is withheld for far too long. In the case of suppressed grief, Reiki will root out the cause of the blockage in order to begin the grieving process, making one conscious of their unexpressed pain, and leave one with improved health and a growth in consciousness.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society on Alternatives to Vaccines:

Q: Are there homeopathic “kits” that can build up our immune systems to “so-called” Swine flu?

A: There is a lot that can be done to build up your immune system for the coming flu season.

Although the Swine flu hysteria is rampant in the news, if you read between the lines, you can see that it looks like the H1N1 epidemic is becoming milder as it goes along. Most people are hardly experiencing any symptoms from it.

To build up your immune system for any cold or flu, not just H1N1, you can start by getting enough rest regularly. We all know that the time that we tend to get sick is when we have been overworking and getting “run down” generally. Next comes getting enough vitamin D. A recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the study participants with the lowest vitamin D levels had an increase in colds, flu, and respiratory problems ( 2000IU a day is a conservative amount that has also been found in numerous studies to be linked with lower rates of cancer.

Homeopathically, Influenzinum and Oscillococcinum are good remedies to have on hand if you catch the flu, or if there is an outbreak where you live or work. So is Osha tincture, which is an herbal product. These products do not have the side effects of antivirals like Tamiflu which include: nausea, stomach pain or cramps, neuropsychiatric side effects including inability to think clearly, nightmares, and “strange behavior”, and sleep problems. H1N1 is also gradually developing a strain resistant to Tamiflu as it is being used to treat Swine flu. Resistance to vitamin D, influenzinum, oscillococcinum, and Osha will not happen because they work to boost your immune system and do not interact directly with the virus.

You can also call the office if these measures are not enough for you, and we can individualize a remedy for your particular flu instance.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

If parent chooses to vaccinate conventionally, can he/she choose to do them later when immune system is mature?

Answer: All choices regarding vaccinations are up to the parents' decisions. Later is fine, however, the rationale behind vaccinations for children is to provide for them during the time when their immune system is still in development, not after it has already matured.

-At what age is this?
Generally 6 to 8 years old.

-Can one do individual diseases instead of combined?
Again, that is within your right to choose, so the answer is yes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

1918 Flu: True History Ignored Homeopathy to the rescue

The Epoch Times

1918 Flu: True History Ignored
Homeopathy to the rescue
By Louise McCoy
Epoch Times Staff Sep 14, 2009

In the fall of 1918, 100 soldiers died daily in Camp Devens, Mass. (
History is often presented selectively, with details left out and others augmented to generate a particular emotional response among the public for a desired outcome.

Comparing the current swine flu and its possible effects to the pandemic flu of 1918 is an example. Accounts of people dying within days or even hours upon contracting the 1918 flu are commonly reported today. The authorities are puzzled as to why the flu was so lethal, especially among those between the ages of 20 and 40, instead of the very young and the elderly.

At that time, World War I was coming to an end, and most of the victims in that age group were troops lodged together in camps, ships, or on the battlefield, under stress and in crowded conditions.
The Flu's Origin and Migration

The origin of the 1918 virus remains a mystery even though the virus and its descendants—sometimes linked with birds and pigs—have been exhaustively examined with as much exact science as we have been capable of. [1] Originally, the virus was thought to have come from China, but the true incubators were U.S. military camps, starting in California in December 1917. [2]

The flu then migrated to Fort Funston, Kan., where it appeared in early spring of 1918. The soldiers from that camp were shipped to Europe, where the flu spread. Soldiers coming back to Boston in September brought the flu to nearby Camp Devens, where the mortality rate averaged 100 deaths per day. [3]
Fatality Depends on Location and Treatment

The death toll of ordinary flu epidemics has remained at 1 percent, whereas in 1918, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the death toll averaged 2.5 percent. This average does not take into account different locations and treatments. In some locations in the United States, the mortality rate was 25 to 60 percent.

What were the factors accounting for the wide differences? Ohio, for instance, had 24,000 cases of the flu, with a mortality rate of 28 percent for cases treated by orthodox medicine, whereas 26,000 cases that were treated homeopathically had 1.05 percent mortality.

While some got sick in the comforts of home, our young soldiers were under triple jeopardy. Their immune systems were compromised by many vaccinations; they were treated by the orthodox medicine of the day, and conditions were very crowded in their barracks. [4]

Death usually occurred after bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia bacteria are frequently lodged in the mouth and throat of people who are well, but in the weakened bodies of the soldiers, the bacteria were able to multiply and invade, causing pneumonia.
Homeopathy to the Rescue

Even with overcrowding, stress, and lack of public-health planning, homeopathic doctors could still successfully apply the principles of natural law: “Let likes be cured by likes.”

The following are some of the examples quoted by Julian Winston in his article, “Influenza—1918: Homeopathy to the Rescue” [5]:

“ ‘In a plant of 8,000 workers, we had only one death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used; there was no use of either aspirin or vaccination.’ —Frank Wieland, M.D., Chicago.”

“ ‘I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias was 2.1 percent. The salicylates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the sole standbys of the old school, and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60 percent of their pneumonias.’—Dudley A. Williams, M.D., Providence, R.I.”

“ ‘Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia with but 15 deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100 percent.’—E. F. Sappington, M. D., Philadelphia.”

“ ‘I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homeopathy and none to the Scotch-Irish-American!’—T. A. McCann, M.D., Dayton, Ohio.”

“H. A. Roberts, M.D., was a physician on a troop ship at the time. Another boat pulled alongside to get any spare coffins—its mortality rate was so high. On his return to port, the commander asked Roberts, ‘Used all your coffins?’ To which Roberts, who had been treating his ship with homeopathy, replied, ‘Yes, and lost not one man!’

“In the transport service, I [Roberts] had 81 cases on the way over. All recovered and were landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way.”

Was it the treatment after all that caused most of the fatalities? Homeopathy looks at the body as a microcosm. Each cell is a tiny, complete system. Symptoms are the body’s attempt to detoxify itself. Therefore, temporarily making the symptoms stronger with a homeopathic remedy is healing. Homeopathic remedies are diluted or ground (potentized) to a level beyond our ability to measure the material in molecules.

As the body endeavors to heal itself, crude or hazardous substances may be worse than nothing, especially with the flu.
Orthodox Medical Treatment

The U.S. government recommended the following medications and treatments in 1918:

· Aspirin for reducing fever.
· Calomel, a laxative.
· Seidlitz powder or Epsom salts, two more laxatives.
· Bed rest and warmth. [6]

However, fever is an essential defense against viruses. The practice of giving aspirin for the flu began in November 1918. [7] Was aspirin, then, the medication that suddenly put fatalities over the top?

Calomel, a mercury laxative, has many side effects, such as dehydration, inflammation of the gums, and dental problems, according to “American Physicians in the Nineteenth Century: From Sects to Science” by William G. Rothstein.

Of all the treatments officially recommended in 1918, the best advice was go to bed and keep warm.

There were many people who did not get the flu, including those who cared for flu victims and lost sleep from long hours of work. Shouldn’t we be studying those people to learn what enabled their immune systems to remain strong?

Now the media scares us about another pandemic. Our government may be gearing up for quarantines, enforcements of various kinds, and fines for noncompliance. The hope is that there will be no such heavy-handedness.

Many lessons were learned from 1918 and subsequent flu epidemics. Each of us should keep informed so we can use our wisdom in the face of an onslaught of misinformation and media hype.

5. New England Journal of Homeopathy, Volume 7, Number 1, 1998

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Does Homeopathic Medicine use live viruses?

No, there are no live viruses in Homeopathic Medicines. Homeopathic Medicines (Remedies) are processes in a way that make them non toxic with no side effects. This process includes dilution and vigorous shaking repeated many times. The end result is the Homeopathic Remedies that Homeopaths order from the Homeopathic Pharmaceutical companies.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

Questions from our "Addressing the Vaccine Dilemma" presentation hosted by the Health Action Network Society:

How does the makeup of Homeopathic and regular vaccines differ?

There are no by products or preservative necessary when preparing the Homeopathic Remedies used for Homeoprophylaxis. When Homeopaths are giving Homeopathic Remedies in this preventative manner, they are only giving one remedy to target one disease at one time.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Insight into Reiki:

Insight into Reiki:

"As Reiki allows one to heal from all of ones previous experiences,
even those experiences now hidden from us within the deep inner mind,
issues such as conflict will become far more easier to address. Eventually
this will strengthen ones awareness of their forgotten power of positive
communication, enhancing ones cooperation and understanding in all of
their relationships."

Friday, September 4, 2009

Come see our exhibit at The Fair at the PNE.

Aug. 22 to Sept 7th

Come see our exhibit at The Fair at the PNE.
Get discounted Homeopathic services plus Ear Acupuncture.
Enter to win 50% off Ear Acupuncture and Homeopathic Treatment.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dr. Isaac Golden explains Homeopathic Immunization as an alternative to Vaccines.

Dr. Isaac Golden explains Homeopathic Immunization as an alternative to Vaccines.

Click on the link above (title) and look at their search section by typing in 'Isaac" and then you can watch the episode about homeopathic immunizations.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Testimonial for Reiki:

Testimonial for Reiki:

I have been trying to heal for a long time in my life. Before coming to Access Natural Healing, I hadn't experienced as much healing as I have in the short period since I've been come to see Laurence for Reiki Sessions. I didn't ever think it could feel so easy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Natural remedies to combat that pesky Swine Flu

Natural remedies to combat that pesky Swine Flu

by Carol Roberts

Swine flu is back on the front page again. Swine flu revisited demands a more careful reading of the pandemic idea and what it means to a highly susceptible population, most of whom have never seen a virus like this before.

So, according to the CDC, more than 40,000 cases have been confirmed in the US and territories to date. Of these, 263 have died. Not a big number. Yet. They are telling us to brace ourselves, although they did that numerous times before with other strains of flu that never materialized. In the famous 1918 pandemic, 85% died in some areas. Where homeopathic remedies were used, 85% survived. Hmm, first clue. No antibiotics, no vaccines were available at the time, and people were eating real food, not ersatz “food products” invented in a chemistry lab at Monsanto.

The current swine flu is a hybrid of avian, swine and human flu factors. For people over 50, we’ve seen something like this before and our immunity might still be good enough to make this a minor illness. For younger folks, not so much. I was talking to a state health department official the other day, and he unofficially told me that all the cases of flu they are seeing these days are this H1N1 variety. I asked him what are the risk factors that seem to be associated with an increased risk of death, and his answer was immediate - “Obesity”. That’s it. Not diabetes or heart disease or old age or anything else.

So get to work on losing those extra pounds between now and the fall, when we are told to expect the newer, more virulent strains of this baby to be popping onto the stage again. Lay in a supply of face masks and some hand sanitizer. Get on some good vitamins now. If you have doubts about your immune system, begin to introduce more organic veggies and fruits, especially berries, as these have great antioxidant properties. Get some Flu Remedy, Oscillococcinum, before the crowds clean the shelves. Gelsemium is another remedy that was used in the 1918 pandemic that saved so many lives. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and inexpensive. They work on babies and pets. They don’t have side effects and should be taken as early as possible at the onset of an illness. They are not preventatives, they are treatments. They are not the same as herbal remedies, which can also be very helpful. In fact, herbs like echinacea, goldenseal and cordyceps (a mushroom) will increase the number and fighting capability of your white blood cells. Transfer Factor, a component of colostrum (from cow’s milk), and beta glucans also empower the white cells.

Do a liver cleanse this summer. Eat lightly for a week, drink tons of clean water and take some liver assisting herbs and foods, - milk thistle, artichoke, asparagus, among others. Sulfur containing amino acids like SAMe and NAC really help boost liver function and make you feel good. (People who are allergic to sulfur containing compounds are not usually sensitive to these, but to be sure, just put a tiny bit under your tongue first and see if you have any swelling or redness, but it’s not likely to happen.) Your vitality and health will improve and you will increase your resistance to illness.

Oh and don’t forget your fifteen minutes of sunshine (without sunscreen) with arms and face exposed (or other body parts – as many as you dare - if you’re worried about wrinkles). Vitamin D prevents illness, cancer, heart disease, depression and osteoporosis.

Fear of flu can be a motivator to get healthy, lose some weight and feel good about yourself. Come to think of it, why should you need a negative reason to do something positive for your body?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

* Autism – increased over 1000 times in less than one generation

* Autism – increased over 1000 times in less than one generation;
* Juvenile Diabetes – 104% increase since 1980;
* Anaphylactic Food Allergies – doubled in the last decade;
* All types of Allergies – increased nearly six times;
* Obesity – now almost 20%, 3 times the prevalence in 1980;
* Attention Deficit Disorder – now almost 10%.

For the first time in history…children are sicker than the generation before them. They’re not just a little worse off, they are precipitously worse off, physically, emotionally, educationally and developmentally.

- Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD; Why Do Pediatricians Deny The Obvious?, 2006

Vaccinations may cause significantly more injuries and deaths than they prevent.

The medical establishment considers vaccines effective if they suppress a few targeted illnesses – but at what expense? An emerging body of evidence indicates that vaccines can damage a child’s developing immune system and brain, leading to life-threatening or debilitating disorders like autism, ADHD, asthma, peanut allergy, juvenile diabetes, etc or to SIDS, death itself. If this is true, the number of vaccine-related deaths per year outnumbers deaths from so-called “vaccine-preventable” illnesses.

Historical trends show that deaths caused by illnesses targeted by vaccines had already declined by as much as 98% before mass vaccination programs for them began. Statistical tampering and incomplete and selective reporting over the last sixty years has made vaccination appear more effective than it truly is. For instance, the seemingly dramatic decline in polio cases after introduction of polio vaccine coincided with a change in diagnostic criteria from paralysis lasting 24 hrs or more to paralysis lasting at least 60 days. Polio incidence actually increased after vaccine was introduced; the oral polio vaccine became the sole cause of paralytic polio in North America until it was discontinued here.

Infectious diseases can be made worse by fever-suppressing drugs and antibiotics. Fever is part of the immune process; if it is stifled, infections that would otherwise be merely inconvenient can become dangerous, even deadly. Routine use of fever suppressants during illness and after vaccination is inadvisable.

Antibiotics increase the number of bacterial toxins released into the body by killing other bacteria not targeted. Some also diminish Vitamin C, thereby inhibiting the immune system.

Vaccine injuries are drastically underreported. Although there is a government system in place for reporting vaccine reactions and injuries, most incidents go unreported. Doctors, who naturally do not want to admit to participating in a practice that injures a child, often choose to deny or disregard even the most obvious connection between a sudden health issue and vaccination. As a result, it is believed that fewer than 10% of vaccine injuries are actually reported; it’s impossible to know exactly how many children are injured each year.

Vaccines damage the immune system. A healthy immune system has two main parts, Th1 and Th2. Th1 leads with the first and most important immune response, to sense and eliminate incoming disease-associated organisms and particles. Th2 then creates antibodies and a memory of the disease. Babies are born with immature immune systems in which Th2 dominates. As their immune systems mature, dominance switches permanently to Th1. Usually, infectious agents enter the body through the nose and mouth, triggering Th1 which normally combats them effectively. But vaccines injected into the body bypass Th1 and over-stimulate Th2. This confuses the normal maturation and skews the functioning of the immune system; Th2 becomes dominant and the crucial Th1, suppressed. The result can be autoimmune disease (eg juvenile diabetes), allergic disorders (eg eczema, asthma and life threatening anaphylactic allergies to everyday foods like peanuts) and frequent infections (eg colds and ear infections).

Vaccine ingredients are risky. They include dangerous preservatives and adjuvants (chemicals which increase immune response) and other potentially harmful substances: aluminum phosphate, phenol (carbolic acid), MSG, formaldehyde, gelatin, etc. The flu shot still contains mercury. This and other toxins can accumulate and eventually suppress the immune system, cause brain damage, and lead to a myriad of health issues and developmental disorders. Exposure to toxins during the critical stages of development before age two is especially dangerous to the brain.

Some vaccines are made using tissue cultures: monkey kidney, foetal calf blood, chick embryos, aborted human foetal lung, yeast, etc. It’s impossible to remove all contaminating viruses and proteins left from this process. Injected contaminants can create immune problems including anaphylaxis. Other vaccines have genetically engineered or artificially fragmented active ingredients. These could result in injuries as yet unrecognized.

Vaccine safety has never been proven. Studies to compare the overall long-term health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people have never been done, nor have studies to discover the combined and cumulative effects of so many vaccines. Safety studies prior to vaccine licensing are typically inadequate and limit follow-up to a few days or weeks.

Vaccinations are given indiscriminately. There are no tests to determine which children are likely to respond adversely to vaccinations. Little concern is given to innate health and family health history. Underweight babies are routinely given the same dosage using the same schedule as babies of normal weight. Unlike other drugs, vaccines are administered using a one-size-fits-all policy.
The wholistic approach treats the body with care.

Immunity is and can be acquired naturally. A foetus receives antibodies acquired by its mother from infections she’s previously had. After birth, breastfeeding provides multiple immune factors and optimum nutrition to the baby’s body and brain. Breastfeeding is so exquisitely refined that it continually changes and adapts to the baby’s needs as they change.

Immunity derived from exposure to infections can last a lifetime. Any immunity provided by a vaccine wanes over time and puts the child at risk of a more dangerous infection later in life. Infections contracted in childhood encourage optimal balance of Th1 and Th2 and may actually accelerate development and learning.

A healthy lifestyle continues the immunity established by breastfeeding. Excellent nutrition, avoidance of toxins of all kinds, sufficient rest, and being part of a loving family all contribute to freedom from disease of any kind.

The very young (babies and small children) are at high risk because their brains are undergoing the most rapid development at the very time they receive the greatest number of vaccinations…they receive many inoculations (up to 9 inoculations) in one office visit. This is insane and in my estimation, criminal.

- Russell L Blaylock, MD, CCN; How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain, 2008

Vaccination is based on fear.

Vaccination ignores our evolutionary history. We have survived in co-habitation with multitudes of germs. There’s a balance between immune enhancement and immune depletion. We can encourage the former by acknowledging the power and competence of our bodies to heal themselves.

Those administering vaccines rarely, if ever, provide full information on the vaccines being injected; they exaggerate risks of infection and don’t explain that vaccines may be just as risky or worse.

Vaccinations are NOT mandatory in Canada. “Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. Three provinces require proof of immunization for school entrance: Ontario and New Brunswick for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella immunization; Manitoba for measles. But, exceptions are permitted on medical or religious grounds and reasons of conscience; legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization.” (Immunization in Canada; May, 1997; Vol 23S4 and Canadian National Report on Immunization; 1996; Note that Ontario and New Brunswick exemption forms are available.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Web site.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Web site.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a cooperative program for vaccine safety of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS is a post-marketing safety surveillance program, collecting information about adverse events (possible side effects) that occur after the administration of US licensed vaccines.

This Web site provides a nationwide mechanism by which adverse events following immunization (AEFI) may be reported, analyzed and made available to the public. The VAERS Web site also provides a vehicle for disseminating vaccine safety-related information to parents/guardians, healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, state vaccine programs, and other constituencies.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Homeopathic Treatment for Tinnitus

Homeopathic Treatment for Tinnitus

If you suffer from ringing, roaring, humming or other noises in the ear that are unrelated to external sounds, you could be suffering from tinnitus. This is a very real and serious condition. It may be intermittent or continuing and it can change over time as you’ve got the condition. Tinnitus can be distracting, annoying and in a few cases even related to or making a contribution to hearing loss to some level. It can meddle with your job, your sleep patterns and your general well being. However, there are treatment alternatives available for tinnitus. One of these is homeopathic treatment for tinnitus.

Many people are shocked to hear that there are homeopathic treatments available for tinnitus. As with any other homeopathic cures, you should always seek the aid a professional for proper dosage amounts. The required amounts can change from person to person and too much of even natural products can be dangerous.

Here are some samples of homeopathic treatments for tinnitus that may be helpful to your case:

• Calcarea carbonica- this may help people with tinnitus with vertigo, hearing problems, cracking or pulsing sensations in the ears and more. They may feel easily fatigued, chilly, have cravings for sweets and get anxious easily.
• Carbo vegetabilis: This can help people who experience ringing in the ears during colds or flu. Symptoms may feel worse at night and the person may feel cold or have a craving for fresh air.
• Cinchona officinalis: This is helpful with tinnitus sufferers who feel weak, nervous and over sensitive.
• Cimicifuga: If you have tinnitus with a sensitivity to noise, you may benefit from this type of homeopathic treatment for tinnitus. You may also have pain and muscle tension in the neck and back. May be typically energetic and happy but when not feeling well become depressed or fearful.
• Graphites: Can help with a tinnitus sufferer with associated deafness. This person may hear hissing and clicking sounds.
• Kali carbonicum: This can be helpful to tinnitus sufferers with roaring, cracking or itching in the ears.

It is also necessary to remember that the cause of the tinnitus will affect the type of homeopathic treatment you use. Step 1 before using any kind of treatment for tinnitus should be to try to trace the original reason for your condition. This will help you know the way to correctly treat it and possible cure yourself.

These are just a few homeopathic treatments for tinnitus. To discover the exact one that is your bag and how much you need to take will require consultation with a specialist in homeopathic drugs. You’ll need to find the homeopathic treatment that most matches your kind of tinnitus symptoms. Then you need to establish the correct quantity of the homeopathic remedy to meet your needs. In a few cases it is also important to try multiple kinds of homeopathic treatments until you find the right one for your case. Just like no 2 folk are precisely alike, neither are two cases of tinnitus.

The advice found here is for research purposes only. No advice is meant. As with any condition it is recommended for you to talk with a doctor before taking any medical advice.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Homeopathy is to be available on the National Health System in Bath

Homeopathy is to be available on the National Health System in Bath after a hospital set up an outreach clinic in the city.

The clinic at a doctors' surgery in London Road will accept referrals from GPs from all over the south west.

It will involve staff from the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital - which is one of only five in the country to offer homeopathic treatments.

The clinic at the Grosvenor Surgery will offer treatments for complex conditions including rheumatology, allergies, asthma, eczema, anxiety and depression, digestive and bowel problems, as well as cancer care support.

The subject of homeopathy has been clouded in a degree of controversy, with some scientists arguing that such treatments have an effect that can be compared to that of a placebo, and referrals to the Bristol hospital fell by 20 per cent last year.

But a year-long pilot study carried out in Northern Ireland has concluded that an integrated approach where complementary medicine was used alongside conventional techniques could offer significant health improvements.

Dr Elizabeth Thompson, consultant homeopathic physician at the Bristol hospital, said: "The evidence from this study will support colleagues in offering patients the choice of high quality homeopathic care on the NHS.

"This new outreach clinic will mean that patients from the local community will be able to access a wide range of treatments nearer to their homes."

Dr Claire Stanford, the speciality doctor who is conducting the clinic, added: "Patients are very appreciative of the integrated approach to care, combining the best of conventional and homeopathic medicine. In very many instances it has not only brought enormous relief but has also allowed them to enjoy life to the full."

The Bristol hospital was built in 1921 and offers homeopathic remedies on the NHS for more than 50 medical conditions from cancer and arthritis to depression and irritable bowel syndrome.

A recent study by the Bristol hospital reported that 70 per cent of patients said their chronic conditions had improved since seeking treatment there.

Homeopathy is a system of healing based on the theory of treating "like with like" using diluted natural remedies that, if used in a healthy person, would create similar symptoms to the condition being treated.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Healthy, travel with homeopathy

Healthy, travel with homeopathy: don't let jet lag, motion sickness, diarrhea, or sunburn ruin your next trip. Pack these simple, effective homeopathic remedies...

Dana Ullman is a world renowned homeopathic educator and writer. Here is some useful tips he offered in the summer of 2001.

TRAVEL CAN BE STRESSFUL, wreaking havoc on your mind and body. During my more than 25 years of teaching people about homeopathy, I've recommended to countless travelers the remedies they should pack to prevent or treat this havoc. Tailored homeopathic remedies --made from minute preparations of natural substances that in larger amounts would cause the same symptoms you're trying to cure--are fast-acting, and rather than masking the symptoms, they stimulate your body to heal itself.
If you know you won't be near a store that sells homeopathic medicine, you can create your own traveling remedy kit in advance. For each of the following ailments, look for the primary symptoms that most closely match the ones you tend to get, and buy a vial of the corresponding medicine. Be forewarned: Building your kit may take a little trial and error. Note that some homeopaths believe luggage X-rays weaken the potency of homeopathic remedies, so if you're traveling by air, put the vials in your pocket instead of a bag.

Jet Lag

Telltale jet lag symptoms like fatigue and an erratic appetite occur when you travel across time zones. The brain cells that control your circadian rhythms are exposed to daylight and darkness at different times than they are accustomed to, and your inner clock (which tells you when it's time to eat and sleep) gets out of sync with real time.


If your symptoms include fatigue and foggy thinking, your best remedy is Arnica montana.

If your symptoms include feeling so tired that you have a difficult time keeping your eyes open, or your arm and leg muscles tend to feel weak, your best remedy is Gelsemium.

If your symptoms include nausea and dizziness, your best remedy is Cocculus.


Take the appropriate remedy in the 6, 12, or 3 [degrees] C potency every two hours after your arrival for intense symptoms and every four hours for mild ones. Take it until symptoms abate.

To prevent jet lag, use Arnica in the 6, 12, or 3 [degrees] C potency just prior to boarding your plane and then once every four hours during your flight. If you still develop jet lag symptoms, continue taking Arnica every four hours during the first day at your destination. If Arnica doesn't work, try one of the other two remedies on your next flight. Again take the 6, 12, or 3 [degrees] C potency before boarding and then every four hours during the flight.

Motion Sickness

An estimated one-third to one-half of airline passengers experience some degree of motion sickness--dizziness, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting --during a turbulent flight. Some people get motion sickness when their inner ear (which maintains balance) senses movement but their eyes tell them that they're standing still.


If your symptoms include dizziness, severe nausea brought on by the sight or smell of food (particularly if it makes you want to lie down), vomiting, dry throat, and lightheadedness, and if these symptoms worsen in cold temperatures, your best remedy is Cocculus.

If your symptoms include violent vomiting, cold and pale skin, profuse sweating, and chills (often accompanied by a dazed feeling), and if these symptoms worsen in warm temperatures and improve when you breathe fresh air, your best remedy is Tabacum.

If your symptoms include feelings of anxiety or increased nausea when the vehicle you're traveling in moves downward, your best remedy is Borax.


Take the 6, 12, or 3 [degrees] C potency every 30 minutes for intense symptoms and every two to four hours for milder ones. Take it until symptoms abate.

To prevent motion sickness, try the 6, 12, or 3 [degrees] C potency of the remedy that best matches the symptoms you tend to get. Take it one hour before departure and every two hours while you're traveling. For boat trips, take one dose of the appropriate remedy before departure and then one every four hours until you've adapted to the motion.

Traveler's Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is an important defense mechanism that enables your body to expel foreign bacteria and parasites quickly. But if left untreated, it can lead to severe dehydration. Homeopathic medicines can help destroy these microorganisms, taking the burden off your body so it can heal itself.


If your symptoms include a burning sensation during elimination of your stools, chills, sweating, anxiety about being alone, extreme thirst for sips of warm drinks, and restlessness during the night, and if these symptoms worsen after midnight, your best remedy is Arsenicum.

If your symptoms include gurgling sounds from your intestinal tract, a weak feeling in your anal sphincter, forceful expulsion of stools that smell bad, headache, gagging, retching, cramps in your feet and legs, and extreme thirst and craving for cold beverages, your best remedy is Podophyllum.

If your symptoms include a constant urge to eliminate, retching while going to the bathroom, blood in your stool, fever and chills, profuse sweating, bad breath, drooling while sleeping, mental and physical sluggishness, and an extreme thirst and craving for cold beverages, your best remedy is Mercurius.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Car Free Days on The Drive:

Car Free Days on The Drive:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why See A Homeopath?

Why See A Homeopath?

Examples of commonly treated conditions include:

* Digestive problems, skin conditions, allergies and asthma
* Women's health issues, hormonal imbalance, menopause and infertility
* Weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease
* Fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder
* Joint and muscle pain, sport/athletic injury and healing after surgery
* Cold and flu's, ear and throat infections and headaches and arthritis

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Scorpion Poison Used in Cuba for Treatment of Cancer

Scorpion Poison Used in Cuba for Treatment of Cancer
By Redaction AHORA / Monday, 22 December 2008 /

For the first time in Cuba, scientists are using a natural medicine derived from scorpion toxin for the treatment of cancer.

The initiative is part of a national project led by the Pharmaceutical Biological Labs (Labiofam) that seeks to demonstrate the effect of the red scorpion's poison against tumors. The study is the only one being made in the world and it has shown positive results so far, according to Fabio Linares, head of the Homeopathy Department in central Cianfuegos province.

In statements to the Cuban News Agency Linares said that the permission to produce the medicine and to apply it on a small group of patients was requested in 2007. He said the effectiveness of the homeopathic technique lies in the minimum percentage of the active ingredient used in the preparation. More than 20,000 bottles can be prepared with only one drop, said the expert.

In the patients treated with the medicine, the inflammation and pain produced by the action of cancer cells was reduced which in turn improved the quality of life of those cases.

The results achieved so far are very similar to those obtained with the use of dissolved poison, which demands a greater amount of raw material for its production.

For more than three years, a team of doctors and health technicians from Cienfuegos, over 260 km east of Havana, have been working on anti-carcinogenic remedies based on studies by Cuban biologist Misael Bordier Chibas about scorpion toxins.

Source: Radio Habana Cuba

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Homeopathic Remedies for Poison Ivy

NaturalNews offers this useful information about a pesky plant we can encounter while enjoying nature during the summer season...

"Exposure to poison ivy and poison oak can cause rashes and skin eruptions, but homeopathic remedies provide help... The leaves of both plants are easy to identify but hard to avoid. They grow in every area of the United States, except in the desert and at high altitudes. Poison ivy grows in Canada and Northern Mexico as well. The name of the oil that causes the reaction is urushiol. The rash is an allergic reaction to the oil and some people are more reactive than others, or not at all.

Poison ivy leaves are three-pronged. It grows as a bush, at the beach, up a tree or along a path. Rashes and blisters appear quickly and can last for days and even up to three weeks. Bathing in cold water can remove the toxin from skin, if done immediately after exposure. Washing with alcohol can also help in the first six hours. Poison ivy rash is not contagious once the oils from the plants have been absorbed, but could be contagious right after the immediate exposure, when the toxins from the plants are still on the surface of the skin.

Poison ivy was first mentioned in the 1600s when Captain John Smith named it because of its resemblance to English ivy. Botanists named the plant Rhus toxicodendron in 1635.

Homeopathic Remedies for Poison Ivy

Arnica treats a rash that has transparent vesicles. The skin feels hot.

Apis can be used when the rash is red and filled with a great deal of fluid, or if there is swelling in the area of the rash.

Bryonia is the homeopathic remedy to use for poison ivy when the skin is hot, pale and dry. The person will be better from cool bathing and light pressure to the area.

Kali sulphuricum
Kali sulf is used on poison ivy rash that is yellow or full of pus, especially if the pus is yellow.

Arsenicum album
Arsenicum rash can itch without eruptions. The hands may swell, as well as the feet and the face. The person is worse between 1-2 am and 1-2 pm and they can feel cold. The rash of Arsenicum is dry and rough, and the vesicles are clear or transparent.

Rhus tox
Rhus tox is the remedy made from poison ivy. It can be used homeopathically when the eyes are swollen shut and rash is better from warm water application.

The Sulphur rash is worse when you first get into bed and with scratching or bathing. The rash is dry and crusty. The person needing Sulphur will scratch the itch until it bleeds.

Many homeopathic remedies can be purchased over the counter in health food stores or specialty food stores.

Friday, July 10, 2009

How to avoid Meltdowns and the Candy Counter

How to avoid Meltdowns and the Candy Counter:

Doulatron Doula, Aimee Sturley with Adar Birth Services posted this little clip of one of our Homeopaths, Allyson Burden. She has many ingenious tips on rearing a healthy child.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Use of Ledum in Helping to Treat Lyme Disease

The Use of Ledum in Helping People with Lyme Disease
July 1st, 2009

There is a chance that you have never heard of the term Ledum, much less know what it is used for. Ledum is a shrub that grows in Northern Europe, Canada, and the cold regions of North America. It has dark, narrow leaves that have wooly undersides. The leaves, fresh or dried are used for preparation of the homeopathic remedy. The ability of the shrub to heal tissues from the deepest point and moving up to the surface has made it a great first aid remedy for a number of conditions.

Although, this might be the first time you have heard of Ledum, clearly its benefits are something you should take note of. Ledum is used as a remedy to help in the prevention of infections. It is useful to treat bruises, insect stings, animal bites, and puncture wounds. There are many other uses of Ledum including taking care of the discomfort of painful and stiff joints.

Monday, July 6, 2009

There are over 400,000 registered homoeopaths in the country currently, with approximately 13,000 more being added every year.

India has over 7.5 million qualified doctors, who, according to Assocham, charge 'reasonable professional fees'. There are over 400,000 registered homoeopaths in the country currently, with approximately 13,000 more being added every year.

Amrit Kalsi, Senior Medical Officer, Delhi Government, says, "The demand for homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines has increased in the last few years and to cure chronic ailments such as respiratory diseases, fevers, skin diseases, viral infections, asthma and allergic disorders, people are choosing the traditional way of treatment before allopathic."

There were 28 homoeopathic dispensaries in Delhi in 1978 and the number now has gone up to 78. The number of patients taking homeopathic medicines has increased from around 800,000 patients in 1997 to 13,62,174 patients in 2006, she adds.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Homeopathy: Another medical treatment against infertility

Homeopathy: Another medical treatment against infertility
By Redaction AHORA / Tuesday, 24 March 2009 /

The homeopathic treatment against infertility has contributed to the birth of 67 children in the Cuban province of Holguin.

Initiated in 1997 by Dr Esperanza Gilling, this alternative treatment to facilitate pregnancy has reported effectiveness in 90 percent of the patients treated and is one of the main achievements of the Provincial Center for Homeopathy, opened 14 years ago with its own pharmacy.

Dr Gilling explained that after rigorous clinical trials and in accordance with their results, infertile patients are administered a homeopathic preparation that facilitates pregnancy.

This institution, located in the city of Holguin, 735 kilometers east of Havana, gives consultations to about 500 patients from the provinces of Granma, Las Tunas, Santiago de Cuba and Havana, each month.

Homeopathy has also achieved good results in the treatment of asthma especially in children, hypertension and other diseases, and it is as rigorous as the scientific conventional medicine.

”The only difference between these procedures is the type of natural cures being used”, said Dr Gilling, who has 17 years of practice in this medical treatment developed by the German doctor Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in 1792. / AIN

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sinusitis - A disorder of the sinuses surrounding the nose

Sinusitis - A disorder of the sinuses surrounding the nose, in which one or more of these sinuses are inflamed. Acute sinusitis typically lasts 3 to 8 weeks, whereas chronic sinusitis lasts longer.

The remedies are intended for the relief of symptoms of acute sinusitis. If a stubborn or extremely painful sinusitis occurs please seek professional advice.

Some people never get sinusitis, and others develop sinusitis frequently, It usually follows respiratory infections such as colds. Sinusitis typically follows an upper respiratory infection or allergic reaction, which can cause inflammation and swelling that close off the sinus ostia. This encourages mucous accumulation in the sinuses, and makes the sinus a great place for bacteria and fungus to live and grow rapidly. Individuals with weakened immune systems are at greatest risk since their risk of any infection is high.

Other possible causes include: history of asthma, overuse of nasal decongestants; deviated nasal septum; nasal bone spurs; nasal polyps; foreign bodies; frequent swimming and/or diving; and dental work. Typically, these all cause blockages of the sinus ostia, and are the result of problems that affect the nasal area only.

Remember, these diseases predispose individuals to develop sinusitis because they make the sinuses a better place for infectious organisms, especially bacteria, to grow. Not all individuals with the above conditions develop sinusitis. Homeopathy teaches us that conditions such as sinusitis are an indication of weakened vitality in the sufferer.

Practical steps to try include:

§ Inhaling steam from a vaporizer
§ Applying an ice pack over the bridge of the nose to try and reduce inflammation

Studies have shown that a deficiency of Vitamin A may cause this condition in some people. Eat more carrots, broccoli and fish or consider supplementation if the sufferers diet results in inadequate Vitamin A intake.

Here are a few other tips to try:-

§ Mix onions and garlic together and eat
§ Each day massage underneath the big toe on both feet
§ A tea made from Fenugreek may help

If any of the following develop seek immediate help:

· chronic sinusitis
· spread of infection into the bones of the face (called osteomyelitis)
· spread of infection into the brain (called meningitis)
· abscess formation